Decision details

Lawnswood Roundabout Improvement Scheme - Approval to Proceed with Further Development and Delivery

Reference: D56971

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


i)  Approve the preliminary design of the Lawnswood Roundabout Improvement scheme.

ii)  Request the City Solicitor to advertise draft Traffic Regulation Orders required to implement the Lawnswood Roundabout Improvement scheme, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised.

iii)  That the total expenditure of £13,050,442, comprised of £825,807 from the West Yorkshire+ Transport Fund Corridor Improvement Programme Phase 2, £11,547,671 from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement subject to Outline Business Case approval by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, and £676,964 of Section 106 Developer Contributions required to carry out the detailed design and construction of the scheme, be approved.

iv)  Agree to enter into a Deed of Variation to amend the existing funding agreement with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.


The Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation) has:

a)  Instructed the City Solicitor to negotiate the terms of and enter in to on behalf of Leeds City Council a deed of variation to the April 2021 funding agreement between Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority as previously amended on 12 January 2023;

b)  Approved the preliminary design of the Lawnswood Roundabout Improvement scheme;

c)  Instructed the City Solicitor to advertise draft Traffic Regulation Orders (“the Orders”) required to implement the Lawnswood Roundabout Improvement scheme, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised;

d)  Noted the £12,949,080 of funding secured for development and delivery of the scheme, comprised of £825,807 from the West Yorkshire+ Transport Fund Corridor Improvement Programme Phase 2, £11,547,671 from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement subject to Outline Business Case approval by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, and £575,602 of Section 106 Developer Contributions.

e)  Noted the approval given by the Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation) in March 2021 for the injection of £825,807 from the Corridor Improvement Programme Phase 2 into the Leeds City Council Capital Programme for the development of the Lawnswood Roundabout Improvement scheme;

f)  Approved the expenditure of a further £964,484, from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement, to carry out detailed design, develop and submit a Full Business Case, undertake stakeholder engagement, advertise the draft Traffic Regulation Orders and issue the works via the Intermediate Contractor Works Framework; and

g)  Noted that the Chief Officer will be requested to make a further decision following completion of detailed design and receipt of tender returns for the main construction contract, to approve the detailed design and approve the expenditure of the remaining funds on delivery of the scheme.

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Wards Affected: Adel and Wharfedale; Weetwood;

Other reasons / organisations consulted

A major public consultation exercise was undertaken November 2021 – January 2022. Further, targeted consultation has been undertaken since January 2022, and will continue through the detailed design stage.


Executive Member for Sustainable Development & Infrastructure, affected Ward Members, Leeds Cycle Forum, Members of the Access and Use-ability Group (AUAG), bus operators, local landowners and businesses, local Residents’ Associations, members of the public (consulted on proposals, not this specific decision).

Contact: Morgan Tatchell-Evans, Highways Officer 0113 378 3655 Email:

Publication date: 01/12/2023

Date of decision: 11/12/2023

Effective from: 19/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: