21 Disposal of Land at Dawson's Corner by The Calverley Charity PDF 221 KB
To consider the report of the Chief Officer of Asset Management and Regeneration seeking approval of the terms of the sale of approximately seven acres of land at Dawson’s Corner, Pudsey. This land is privately owned by The Calverley Charity and this report is specifically for the purpose of Executive Board, on behalf of the Council, giving consideration to the proposal in the Council’s capacity as sole trustee of the charity.
Additional documents:
The Chief Officer of Asset Management and Regeneration submitted a report which sought approval of the terms of the sale of approximately seven acres of land at Dawson’s Corner, Pudsey. The report noted that this land was privately owned by The Calverley Charity and as such, the submitted report was specifically for the purpose of Executive Board, on behalf of the Council and in the Council’s capacity as sole trustee of the charity, to give appropriate consideration to the proposal.
In considering the report, a Member highlighted the importance of the landscaping mitigation works which would need to be undertaken as part of the proposals detailed within Agenda Item 18 to ensure that safe pedestrian access was provided (Minute No. 22 refers), a matter on which the Member had directly contacted the Highways department about.
In referencing the fact that in line with the Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’ Councillor Carter was required to seek a dispensation to enable him to speak on this matter, due to his ‘Other Registerable Interest’ he requested that consideration be given to reviewing the Code in light of this issue. In response, the Chair advised that if the Code is causing practical issues, then he was agreeable for it to be reviewed on a cross party basis.
(a) That Executive Board, on behalf of the Council acting as sole trustee of the Calverley Charity, approve the terms of the disposal of the Charity’s land at Dawson’s Corner, and that approval be given to delegate the approval of any variation to the final terms to the Chief Officer of Asset Management and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources, in so far as there is no conflict with regard to the delegation and the respective interests of the parties;
(b) That it be noted that the officers responsible for this matter are the relevant Senior Land & Property Officer, City Development directorate, and Principal Legal Officer, Resources directorate, and upon approval of the sale terms by Executive Board (in resolution (a)), the sale will be progressed and completed in timescales to suit the Charity and the purchasing Highway Authority (with the aim of completion by end of 2021).
(As detailed within Minute No. 7, Councillor Carter, having declared an ‘Other Registerable Interest’ in this item, had applied for, and been granted a dispensation on the grounds that without the dispensation, representation from his political group on the Executive Board would not be possible and in granting the dispensation it enabled Councillor Carter to speak in the interests of persons living in the authority’s area. In doing so, Councillor Carter confirmed that whilst remaining in the room and speaking on this item, he would not be voting upon it).