Issue - meetings

Covid-19 Memorial Woodland within New 48 Hectare Parkland at former South Leeds Golf Course

Meeting: 23/06/2021 - Executive Board (Item 12)

12 Covid-19 Memorial Woodland within New 48 Hectare Parkland at former South Leeds Golf Course pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment that outlines a proposal to create a new 48 hectare park incorporating a Covid-19 memorial woodland on the site of the former South Leeds golf course.


Additional documents:


The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report that presented a proposal to create a new 48 hectare park incorporating a Covid-19 memorial woodland on the site of the former South Leeds golf course.


In welcoming the report, a Member suggested that other appropriate proposals could potentially be considered in other areas of the city, with a view to accessing external funding streams where appropriate.


A Member highlighted the significant resource implication being proposed in an area with already considerable parkland facilities, and noted the proportion of the memorial woodland when considering overall size of the proposed new parkland.


Responding to an enquiry regarding public consultation, it was noted that the local and wider community would be appropriately consulted in relation to the proposals within this report.


The Board then discussed the current position with regard to the provision of grass cutting along highways in the city. 


RESOLVED – That the following be approved:-

(a)  The establishment of a formal partnership agreement between the Council and Leeds Hospitals Charity to create a Covid-19 memorial woodland;


(b)  The commencement of consultation on establishing up to 48 hectares of new parkland incorporating a Covid-19 memorial woodland and other recreational features, which will then form part of Middleton Park;


(c)  The injection of £700k into the Capital Programme in order to enable works to commence on establishing the Covid-19 memorial woodland, with authority to spend approval for the full scheme being delegated to the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment, and that the £30k annual revenue budget provision required to maintain the new parkland, be noted;


(d)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer for Parks and Countryside will be responsible for the implementation of the resolutions above, in line with the timetable, as set out in paragraph 31 of the submitted report.