Working Groups Update
To receive a verbal update on the progress of the Committees’ working groups to date.
The Chief Officer for Sustainable Energy and Air Quality, Polly Cook, provided
an update to Members on the progress of the working groups to the
Committee as follows:
· Behaviour Change and Transport – The group had not met since the last consultative meeting. At the next meeting, the group will focus on making public transport the most attractive mode of transport.
· Biodiversity and Food – At the most recent meeting, Members focused on the Low Carbon Food event taking place 29th September 2021 at Kirkgate Market, finalising each of the Council’s commitments and action plan, to be presented at the event.
· Planning, Buildings and Energy – The group had not met since the last consultative meeting. At a future meeting, the group will continue work on the action taken in regard to the PAS 2035.
· Finance – The first finance working group meeting was held following discussions at the last Committee meeting. The meeting was attended by Bankers Without Boundaries and Abundance, and Members discussed finance options presented previously in more detail. It was agreed that officers from across the Council will meet to identify a potential place-based scheme and look at alternative ways to invest, in preparation for opportunities for pilot projects.
Working Groups Update
To receive a verbal update on the progress of the Committees’ working groups to date.
The Chief Officer for Sustainable Energy and Air Quality, Polly Cook, provided an update to Members on the progress of the working groups to the Committee as follows:
· Behaviour Change and Transport – The newly structured working group had recently met with four guest presenters and considered how businesses are responding to changes to COVID-19 restrictions, along with the council’s strategic plan for returning to the city centre. The group also discussed findings of a recent survey to understand the views of Leeds residents in regard to use of local centres and the city centre in the short to medium term, and expectations for the future. Members also received an update on travel behaviour change as a result of the pandemic, as well as the changes to healthy activity levels across the city and opportunities to build on active travel networks and encourage flexibility in the workplace. At the next meeting, the group will focus on how to encourage the use of public transport moving forward.
· Biodiversity and Food – The group had not met since the last consultative meeting.
· Planning, Buildings and Energy – The group had not met since the last consultative meeting. In September, the group will focus on the Local Plan, following up on actions taken in regard to the PAS 2035.
Working Groups Update
To receive a verbal update on the progress of the Committees’ working groups to date.
The Chief Officer for Sustainable Energy and Air Quality, Polly Cook, provided an update to Members on the progress of the working groups to the Committee as follows:
· Biodiversity and Food – At the most recent meeting, the group received a presentation from Professor Caroline Orfila explaining the current food system and the percentage of calories required by the Leeds’ population that is produced in Leeds, along with challenges faced in terms of variety of crops. The group will now focus on developing a Low Carbon Action Plan for food.
· Planning, Buildings and Energy – The group have recently met to discuss the PAS 2035 (the over-arching document in the retrofit standards framework), which is continuing to cause a number of challenges in terms of delivery within council schemes, and have developed a lobbying position with key asks for national government.
· Transport – The group has not met since the last Committee meeting, and proposals to restructure the working group were discussed later in the meeting.