121 Leeds Public E-Bike Hire Scheme PDF 3 MB
To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the development of a funding bid for circa £2.4 million for consideration by West Yorkshire Combined Authority to implement a docked, public electric bike hire scheme in Leeds. The report sets out the benefits that the scheme can bring to Leeds and how it can support the aspiration to address inclusive growth, health and well-being and the climate emergency by providing people who travel within Leeds with an opportunity to access e-bikes and to use those bikes as an alternative to other modes of travel particularly for short distance trips. The report also outlines the key financial risks and how they would be managed.
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The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the development of a funding bid for circa £2.4 million for consideration by West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) to implement a docked, public electric bike hire scheme in Leeds. The report set out the benefits that the scheme could bring to Leeds and how it could support the aspiration to address inclusive growth, health and wellbeing and the climate emergency by providing people who travel within Leeds with an opportunity to access e-bikes and to use those bikes as an alternative to other modes of travel, particularly for short distances. The report also outlined the key financial risks and how they would be managed.
(a) That the proposal to introduce a docked, electric bike (e-bike) hire scheme be supported, which includes the approach towards the design, delivery and operation of the scheme, as detailed within the submitted report;
(b) That subject to WYCA allocating capital funding for the project, approval be given for the Council to commence procurement to secure a commercial partner to deliver and operate the scheme;
(c) That the proposed approach towards mitigating any financial revenue shortfall, as detailed within the submitted report, be endorsed;
(d) That it be noted that the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation will be responsible for the implementation of this scheme.