47 Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25 PDF 402 KB
To consider the report of the Director of City Development which presents the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25 which has been developed following wideranging consultation undertaken and which aims to make a step-change in the scale and quality of affordable housing delivery over the next three years.
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The Director of City Development submitted a report presenting the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25 which had been developed following the wide-ranging consultation undertaken and which aimed to make a step-change in the scale and quality of affordable housing delivery over the next three years.
In introducing the report, the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate provided an overview of the key aspects and objectives of the action plan.
Members welcomed the consultation which had been undertaken with Ward Members.
Further to the comments made as part of consideration on the Local Plan Update 1 (Publication Draft) report (Minute No. 46 refers), a Member reiterated the importance of ensuring that greenspace and landscaping which formed part of such developments was maintained in the longer term.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information on the role of registered providers in this area and it was requested that the relevant service be made aware of any specific cases that required further action in relation to registered housing provision.
In discussing the importance of ensuring that the delivery of affordable housing was located in the most appropriate location, a Member highlighted the importance of local Ward Members in such matters to help ensure that the needs of the community were met.
Members discussed the Council’s performance in the delivery of affordable housing over recent years and the partnership approach which continued to be taken in this area. The Board considered the potential role which could be played by a Local Housing Company, which as the report highlighted, was a matter that remained under review and could be utilised in the future, should appropriate and viable delivery opportunities arise.
(a) That the progress made regarding the delivery of affordable housing, together with the challenges the sector faces in meeting housing needs in the city, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25, as appended to the submitted report, be endorsed together with the Council’s role in its delivery, including use of land; and that the final approval of the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25 be delegated to the Director of City Development;
(c) That updates on progress be received at the end of the plan period; with the role of the Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board, together with the Strategic Housing Board in the annual governance of the plan, as set out within the submitted report, be noted;
(d) That the Council’s approach towards the use of Commuted Sums, as set out within paragraphs 62-64 of the submitted report, be supported;
(e) That the opportunity for Affordable Housing to be considered within the scope of the Local Plan Update 2, be recognised, together with the opportunity for the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25 to be used as evidence in its scoping, subject to further consideration by Development Plans Panel;
(f) That it be noted that the creation of ... view the full minutes text for item 47