Issue - meetings

Annual Risk Report

Meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board (Item 24)

24 Annual Corporate Risk Report pdf icon PDF 330 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources presenting the Council’s annual corporate risk and resilience report for consideration. The report provides details of the most significant risks currently on the Council’s corporate risk register together with summary assurances describing the key controls in place to manage those risks alongside details of where any further actions are planned.


Additional documents:


The Director of Strategy and Resources submitted a report presenting the Council’s annual corporate risk and resilience report for consideration. The report provided details of the most significant risks currently on the Council’s corporate risk register together with summary assurances describing the key controls in place to manage those risks, details of where any further actions were planned and also signposting to where more detailed information can be found.


In presenting the report, the Leader highlighted the challenging environment in which Local Authorities were operating, which meant that the number of significant risks being faced was increasing. The Board’s attention was specifically drawn to the significant mitigation now in place with regard to the risk associated with major flooding, which was due to the key actions in this area including the development of the flood alleviation scheme.


The significant risks linked to the Council’s financial position were also highlighted.


In response to a Member’s question regarding the risks associated with the Council’s IT systems and arrangements for dealing with a major cyber outage, the Board received an update and assurance on the actions being taken in this area to mitigate the level of associated risk. It was noted that this matter was recently considered by the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board and whilst there was no complacency in this area, the Council was as confident as it could be in the arrangements it has established. 


Linked to this and in response to a further enquiry, the Board received an update on the Council’s business continuity arrangements for the delivery of key services, which it was noted continued to evolve in response to the changing environment. Further to this, it was undertaken that the Member in question be offered a separate briefing on such matters.


RESOLVED – That the annual risk report, as presented in the submitted report and appendix, be noted, together with the assurances provided on the mostsignificant corporate risks, in line with the Council’s Risk Management Policy and Strategy and also in line with the Board’s overarching responsibility for their management.