22 Outcome of Call In: Little Owls Nurseries Review PDF 337 KB
To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services which, in response to the outcome of a Call In meeting of the Children and Families Scrutiny Board, asks Executive Board to reconsider one of its decisions regarding the Little Owls Nurseries Review report submitted to the 19 June 2024 Executive Board meeting. Resolution (g), Minute No. 7 refers specifically. The Board is asked to either confirm its original decision of 19 June, or vary it, taking into account the recommendations made by the Children and Families Scrutiny Board at the recent Call In meeting.
Further to Minute No. 7, 19th June 2024, the Board considered a report of the Head of Democratic Services which, in response to the outcome of a Call In meeting of the Children and Families Scrutiny Board, asked Executive Board to reconsider one of its decisions taken on the Little Owls Nurseries Review report submitted to the 19 June 2024 Executive Board meeting.
Whilst the Scrutiny Board resolved at the Call In meeting of 9th July 2024 to release Executive Board resolutions 7(a) to (f) for implementation, the Scrutiny Board had resolved to refer resolution 7(g) back to the Board for reconsideration on the basis that the Scrutiny Board believed that democratic oversight would be enhanced if future decisions on the 12 Little Owls settings listed at resolution 7(e) were taken by Executive Board rather than through officer delegated decision. The Board was therefore asked to either confirm its original decision of 19th June as set out at resolution 7(g), or vary it, taking into account the recommendations made by the Children and Families Scrutiny Board at the recent Call In meeting.
Resolution 7(g) of 19 June 2024 Executive Board minutes read, ‘That it be noted that the Director of Children and Families may take further decisions in respect of the settings listed at resolution (e) above following the market sounding exercise for the twelve settings indicated, which would be as a direct consequence of this decision’.
It was confirmed that in taking account of the outcomes from the Scrutiny Board Call In meeting, it had been agreed to vary the Board’s original decision at 7(g) (as set out above) so that future decisions on the 12 Little Owls settings listed at resolution 7(e) of the same minute were taken by Executive Board. In response, a Member welcomed this proposal, commended the Scrutiny Board for the work undertaken and highlighted the value of the Scrutiny process.
RESOLVED – That in response to the outcome of the recent Scrutiny Board Children and Families Call In meeting regarding the decisions made by Executive Board on the Little Owls Nurseries Review (19 June 2024), resolution 7(g) be varied so that future decisions on the 12 Little Owls settings listed at resolution 7(e) of the same minute be taken by Executive Board.
(The resolution above, given that it was a decision which has been the subject of a previous Call In, was not eligible for Call In, in line with Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 8.1.1)