62 Gambling Act 2005 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 344 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment on the review of the Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Policy. The report outlines the consultation undertaken with partners and the public. The revised Policy has been presented to the Licensing Committee and Scrutiny Board (Strategy and Resources). Executive Board’s approval is being sought to endorse the draft Statement of Licensing Policy and to refer it to Full Council with a recommendation that it be formally adopted.
Additional documents:
The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report regarding the review of the Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Policy. The report detailed the outcomes from the consultation undertaken, presented the updated draft Policy for the Board’s endorsement and asked the Board to refer it to Full Council with a recommendation that it be formally adopted.
The Executive Member introduced the report, highlighting the statutory requirements for the Local Authority to produce a policy and noted the associated consultation exercise that had been undertaken, which included the consideration of the draft policy by the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board. The partnership approach being taken towards addressing the issue of gambling harm across the city was also highlighted.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry about the low level of responses received to the associated consultation exercise, assurance was provided that the level of response was expected, and was a reflection of the comprehensiveness of the policy, the fact that regular consultation was undertaken and given that where appropriate, the policy had been adapted in the past to incorporate responses previously received.
An enquiry was raised regarding the Authority not being informed by the Gambling Commission about an establishment’s breach of its operating license. In response, it was noted that the Council had written to the Commission in order to make its concerns known with a request that the Council be kept informed of such matters in future. It was also noted that there had not been any further breaches that the Council had been informed of since that incident.
Noting the Public Health team’s involvement in the field of Licensing activity, further information was provided on the actions which were being developed in this area. It was noted that whilst this process was in its relatively early stages Members had welcomed Public Health’s involvement, and given the limited resource available, actions were being taken to ensure that such resource was being used as effectively as possible.
(a) That the contents of the submitted report and appendices be noted, including the final draft Statement of Licensing Policy which includes the outcomes from the statutory consultation exercise and any comments/recommendations from Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board; and
(b) That approval be given to refer the final draft Statement of Licensing Policy, as presented, to Full Council, with a recommendation that it is formally adopted.
(Given that the above decisions were being made in accordance with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, they were not eligible for Call In)