Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/03/2007 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 82)

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To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided an update on the REEMAP project.  The project had received £15,000 from Well-Being funds in June 2006 to deliver curriculum support to Black and Minority Ethnic pupils attending high schools in the inner north east area, with the aim of raising educational achievement.


The Chair welcomed Patrick Spencer Salami of the REEMAP project to the meeting.


In response to a question of which children were targeted to participate in the REEMAP project, it was reported that it varied from school to school.  Protocol had been drawn up with Education Leeds which had allowed REEMAP to develop tailor made programmes for curriculum support after school.  The general aim was to assist children who were on target for D an E grades in their GCSEs to help them achieve grade C or above.


Further to Members questions and comments, Patrick Spencer Salami gave an overview of the REEMAP programme and how it operated.  Issues discussed included links with Leeds Metropolitan University, parental involvement and the role of link teachers.  In response to Members raising the issue of under achievement by white children and that REEMAP should consider expanding services to those children he also informed the Committee that it was planned to widen the remit of the programme and target children from outside BME communities.


(Councillor Rafique declared a personal interest during the discussion on this item due to his position as a Board Member of Reemap).