Issue - meetings

White Paper Motion- Leeds Children's Hospital

Meeting: 18/04/2007 - Council (Item 116)

White Paper Motion- Leeds Children's Hospital

THAT This Council welcomes the record investment in the NHS in Leeds since 1997, but regrets the recent news that plans for a dedicated Children’s Hospital in Leeds have suffered a setback.  This Council urges all Leeds’ elected politicians to continue to support  the public demand and calls for its speedy construction





It was moved by Councillor J Lewis seconded by Councillor Grahame


That this Council welcomes the record investment in the NHS in Leeds since 1997, but regrets the recent news that plans for a dedicated Children’s Hospital in Leeds have suffered a setback.  This Council urges all Leeds’ elected politicians to continue to support  the public demand and calls for its speedy construction.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Harris seconded by Councillor A Carter


delete all after 'This Council' and replace with :


"deplores the government's failure to secure a Children's Hospital for Leeds.  Just as with their failure to provide the funding for supertram, this once again demonstrates how Leeds is being treated as a second class city by Tony Blair and how ineffective our Labour MPs are at influencing their government.  Council notes that whilst it may be desirable to approach these matters on a non-partisan basis, such an approach has signally failed to produce the desired effect in the past."


The amendment was carried and upon being put as the substantive motion it was


RESOLVED –That this Council deplores the government's failure to secure a Children's Hospital for Leeds.  Just as with their failure to provide the funding for supertram, this once again demonstrates how Leeds is being treated as a second class city by Tony Blair and how ineffective our Labour MPs are at influencing their government.  Council notes that whilst it may be desirable to approach these matters on a non-partisan basis, such an approach has signally failed to produce the desired effect in the past.


On the requisition of Councillors Hanley and McKenna the voting was recorded as follows:


On the Amendment




Akhtar, Anderson, Andrew, Barker, Bentley, Beverley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Mrs A Carter, Castle, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harker, Harrand, Harris, Hollingsworth, Hussain, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lancaster, Latty ,Lobley, Millard, Monaghan, Morton, Phillips, J Procter, R  Procter,  Pryke, Rhodes-Clayton, Robinson, Russell, Schofield, Shelbrooke, Smith, Taylor, Townsley, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson






Blake, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Dowson, Driver, Elliott, Finnigan, Grahame, Grayshon, Gruen, Hanley, Harper, Harrison, G Hyde, Illingworth, Jarosz, Jennings, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, McKenna, Minkin, Morgan, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Selby, Wakefield










On the substantive motion




Akhtar, Anderson, Andrew, Barker, Bentley, Beverley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Mrs A Carter, Castle, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harker, Harrand, Harris, Hollingsworth, Hussain, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lancaster, Latty ,Lobley, Millard, Monaghan, Morton, Phillips, J Procter, R  Procter,  Pryke, Rhodes-Clayton, Robinson, Russell, Schofield, Shelbrooke, Smith, Taylor, Townsley, Wadsworth,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 116