Issue - meetings

Councillor Nominations to the new ALMO Area Panels

Meeting: 31/05/2007 - Member Management Committee (Item 6)

6 Councillor Nominations to the new ALMO Area Panels pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods seeking to establish the process through which nominations of Members to the ALMO Area Panels is made.




The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods presented a report to establish the process through which nominations of Members to the ALMO Area Panels are made. Members were reminded that as part of the process to reduce the number of ALMOs in Leeds from six to three, Executive Board had agreed that Area Panels be established in order to continue to develop tenant participation.


It was proposed that an Area Panel would consist of one main Board member, two Elected Members from the area and six tenant representatives. Area Committees would be charged with nominating to the Panels, with the exception that an Elected Member already serving on a main Board could not be appointed to a Panel.    


RESOLVED – That Area Committees be authorised to make appointments to the ALMO Area Panels.