Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/10/2008 - Scrutiny Board (Children's Services) 2010/2011 (Item 34)

Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


Councillors Driver and Renshaw declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 9, The Leadership Challenge, due to their attendance at various extended services cluster meetings (Minute No. 39 refers).


Councillor Cleasby declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 10, recommendation tracking, due to being a Member of South Leeds Fostering Board (Minute No. 40 refers).


Further declarations of interest were made at later points in the meeting (Minute Nos. 37 and 40 refer).