Issue - meetings

Review of the Palace Youth Project

Meeting: 23/06/2008 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 8)

8 Review of the Palace Youth Project pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 15 Mins (Executive Function)





(a) That the Area Management Team work with the Youth Service and other partners involved with the Palace Youth Project to make it a viable long term centre.

(b) That further information be provided on revenue costs for the running of the Palace Youth Project be brought to the Area Committee.



The report of the East North East Area Manager aimed to provide the Committee with a review of the Palace Youth Project which was transferred to the Environment and Neighbourhoods Department in February 2008.  Responsibility for the management of the centre had been delegated to the Area Committee and this was expected to be formally covered by the Area Function Schedule that was due for consideration by the Executive Board.  The report also outlined current and proposed youth provision delivered from the facility and opportunities to expand and improve provision.


It was reported that when the Palace Youth Project was first delegated to the Area Committee there seemed to be high revenue costs and low usage.  There had since been a turnaround and the level of activity had increased with additional activities being provided from the centre.


Members expressed concern that the centre was used by young people from outside the area and it was requested that the East Inner Area Committee be consulted on the project and that mapping of the project’s clients was carried out.


Further issues discussed included the possibility of having a wider review of community facilities in the inner north east area; caretaking and key holder arrangements and budgetary implications.  It was reported that there were no revenue implications for the Area Committee and for any capital spending, bids would have to be made centrally.




(a) That the Area Management Team work with the Youth Service and other partners involved with the Palace Youth Project to make it a viable long term centre.

(b) That further information be provided on revenue costs for the running of the Palace Youth Project be brought to the Area Committee.


*(In accordance with Paragraph 15.5 of the Council Procedure Rules, Councillors Harker and Lancaster requested that their votes against the decision on this item be recorded).


(Councillor Lancaster left the meeting at 6.15 p.m. following the conclusion of this item).