Issue - meetings

Well-Being Fund

Meeting: 23/06/2008 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Well-Being Fund pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 15 Mins (Executive Function)




(a) That a further report be brought to the next meeting of the Area Committee.

(b) That the following decisions be made in respect of Well-Being allocations:


(i)  Children and young people summer sports activities – approved - £11,940

(ii)  Environmental summer playscheme – approved - £6,590

(iii)Church Community Outreach and Development Enterprise – approved - £9,000



The East North East Area Manager submitted a report which contained a summary of Well-Being Fund expenditure in 2007/08 and contained recommendations for a greater commissioning role in the 2008/09 allocation.  


In response to Members concerns and questions regarding how much of the Well-Being Fund would be earmarked for commissioning activities and the future role of the Well-Being Fund Working Group, it was reported that the Working Group would still have a role regarding the distribution of Well-Being Funds.  There would still be opportunity for organisations to request Well-Being funding and the Working Group would provide the checking mechanism for any commissioned activity, with the whole process overseen by the Area Committee Chair.


Further questions were raised regarding the allocation of funds to Wards and availability of funds for small grants and requests from community organisations.


Members also considered pending grant applications for Well-Being funds.




(a) That a further report be brought to the next meeting of the Area Committee.

(b) That the following decisions be made in respect of Well-Being allocations:


(i)  Children and young people summer sports activities – approved - £11,940

(ii)  Environmental summer playscheme – approved - £6,590

(iii)Church Community Outreach and Development Enterprise – approved - £9,000