Issue - meetings

Deputation - Prospects Residents Association

Meeting: 22/06/2006 - West (Inner) Area Committee (Item 2)

Deputation - Prospects Residents Association

To receive a deputation from the Prospects Residents Association.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Heather Foote, spokesperson and Chairman of Prospects Residents Association, together with her colleagues Adrian Gaskin, Judith and Barry Watson, who presented a deputation regarding Planning Application No. P/06/01725/FU/W.  A copy of the presentation together with aerial maps of the site in question were tabled at the meeting.


The residents of Prospect View are in favour of a doctor’s surgery in the area and welcome a car park to the surgery with access via Town Street, which would relieve some of the existing traffic and parking problems.  The residents felt disappointed to learn that the applicants had been advised by planners to change the access to the surgery to via Prospect View.  Residents emphasised that traffic in this vicinity is already hazardous and increased traffic volume could only make a poor situation worse.


Members suggested that other locations such as the Bramley Shopping Centre should be considered as a location for a doctors surgery. 


The Area Committee was informed that Primary Care Trusts would cease to exist on the 1st October 2006 and  they were aware that gaps for doctors surgeries have been identified in the Bramley, Armley and New Wortley areas, especially as the PCT were having difficulty in recruiting Doctors for those areas.  A report had been requested to go back to the PCT Board in September 2006.


Councillors Atkinson and Lowe informed the residents that they supported their objections to the proposed planning application.


The Chair thanked the residents for a first class presentation.



(a)  That the deputation and the contents of the speech be noted.

(b)  That Members comments/suggestions be referred to the Primary Care Trust and that a report be submitted to the next Area Committee meeting.


(Note:  Councillors Hanley, Harper and Taggart indicated that in their capacity as Members of the Plans Panel (West) and in order to avoid any perception of predetermination until such time as this matter may be considered by the Plans Panel (West), they intended to remain in the room and listen to the deputation, but would take no part in the discussion or voting thereon.  Councillors Harper and McKenna also declared a personal interest as Non-Executive Directors of the Primary Care Trust (PCT).