34 Streetscene Services - North West (Inner) Area PDF 10 MB
To consider a report of Streetscene Services on streetscene services within the North West (Inner) area.
a) That the contents of the report, together with the service delivery information that Streetscene provided for the North West Inner area be noted.
b) That the Chief Environmental Services Officer be requested to meet with each ward member of the Committee to discuss their individual priorities within the NW Inner area and to prepare a further report for consideration to a future meeting on the resource implications arising from these discussions.
c) That the work to be undertaken by the Leeds Student’s Union around educating people in relation to recycling initiatives be fed into the Streetscene Sub Group.
A report of Streetscene Services on streetscene services within the North West (Inner) area was submitted.
The following officers’ were in attendance:-
Andrew Mason, Chief Environmental Services Officer
Stephen Smith, Head of Environmental Services
Ruth Lees, West North West Environmental Action Team Manager
Andrew Mason, Stephen Smith and Ruth Lees presented the report highlighting the key services provided by streetscene services within the NW Inner area.
Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices and for ease of reference, the Chair invited each Member to make representations on the report content.
In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-
· the poor service provided when the public contacted Streetscene and the general attitude of front line staff
· the need to provide a better service around bin collections and to consider additional resources in this regard
· the continuing problems associated with landlords illegally dumping skips and the on-going difficulties encountered during Freshers’ Week
· the need to provide more bins within the NW Inner area and to encourage people to report their complaints using different methods of communication
· the concerns expressed about the long delay in producing this report to this Committee and that parts of the report were factually incorrect
· the need for weekly street cleaning and to commit more resources to the NW Inner area in view of its unique problems
· the concerns expressed about the increasing number of e mails received by Elected Members on a weekly basis from members of the public complaining about the service and the on-going communication problems within streetscene sevices
· the need to identify specified areas for enforcement within the NW Inner area
· the need for recycling measures to be made clearer with a view to helping the public
· the need for a more regular programme in relation to street gully cleaning
· the need to involve the universities and students’ union more in streetscene issues and to address the shortfall of resources, especially within the Headingley Ward
The Chair then invited a ‘sample’ number of comments from members of the public prior to concluding discussions on this issue.
Officers from Environmental Services responded to the specific details raised at the meeting and gave an undertaking that such issues would be addressed without delay.
(a) That the contents of the report, together with the service delivery information that Streetscene provided for the North West Inner area be noted.
(b) That the Chief Environmental Services Officer be requested to meet with each ward member of the Committee to discuss their individual priorities within the NW Inner area and to prepare a further report for consideration to a future meeting on the resource implications arising from these discussions.
(c) That the work to be undertaken by the Leeds Student’s Union around educating people in relation to recycling initiatives be fed into the Streetscene Sub Group.