Issue - meetings

White Paper Motion - Proposed Merger of Police Services to Provide a Regional Service

Meeting: 19/07/2006 - Council (Item 38)

White Paper Motion - Proposed Merger of Police Services

This Council notes the Home Secretary’s decision to defer the proposed Police merger, this Council also notes the fact that it is still the intention of the Labour Government to move ahead at some time with these proposed mergers.  This Council therefore resolves:


To request the Home Secretary to abandon the proposed merger in Yorkshire & Humberside as we believe it to be expensive, unnecessary and likely to damage effective policing across the area.  This Council further resolves that, should the Home Secretary refuse to abandon these damaging plans, to call on the government to have a referendum across the whole of the Yorkshire and Humberside area to establish whether there is, or is not, public support for the Governments proposals.





It was moved by Councillor A Carter seconded by Councillor Harris


That this Council notes the Home Secretary’s decision to defer the proposed Police merger, this Council also notes the fact that it is still the intention of the Labour Government to move ahead at some time with these proposed mergers.  This Council therefore resolves:


To request the Home Secretary to abandon the proposed merger in Yorkshire & Humberside as we believe it to be expensive, unnecessary and likely to damage effective policing across the area.  This Council further resolves that, should the Home Secretary refuse to abandon these damaging plans, to call on the government to have a referendum across the whole of the Yorkshire and Humberside area to establish whether there is, or is not, public support for the Governments proposals.


An amendment was moved by Councillor R Lewis seconded by Councillor Rafique


Delete all after This Council and replace with:


‘congratulates all the Leeds MP’s on their work to persuade the Government not to proceed with these unpopular proposals and congratulates the Government on listening to local people.”


The amendment was lost and upon the motion being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That this Council notes the Home Secretary’s decision to defer the proposed Police merger, this Council also notes the fact that it is still the intention of the Labour Government to move ahead at some time with these proposed mergers.  This Council therefore resolves:


To request the Home Secretary to abandon the proposed merger in Yorkshire & Humberside as we believe it to be expensive, unnecessary and likely to damage effective policing across the area.  This Council further resolves that, should the Home Secretary refuse to abandon these damaging plans, to call on the government to have a referendum across the whole of the Yorkshire and Humberside area to establish whether there is, or is not, public support for the Governments proposals


On the requisition of Councillors Harris and J Procter the voting was recorded as follows:


The amendment in Councillor R Lewis’s Name:




Armitage, Atha, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Gabriel, Grahame, Gruen, S Hamilton, Harper, A Harrison, G Hyde, Illingworth, Jarosz, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, McKenna, Minkin, Morgan, Mulherin,  Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, Wakefield







Akhtar, Anderson, Andrew, Bale, Barker, Bentley, Beverley, A Blackburn, D  Blackburn, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Mrs A Carter, Castle, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Elliot, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Finnigan, Fox, Golton, Grayshon, M Hamilton, Harker, Harrand, Harris, Hollingsworth, Hussain, W Hyde, Jennings, Kendall, Kirkland, Lancaster, Latty, Leadley, Lobley, McArdle, Millard, Monaghan, Morton, Phillips, J Procter, Pryke, Rhodes-Clayton, Robinson, Russell, Schofield, Shelbrooke, Smith, Taylor, Townsley, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson





The Motion




Akhtar, Anderson, Andrew, Armitage, Atha, Bale, Barker,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38