Issue - meetings

Youth Service

Meeting: 04/09/2006 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 27)

27 Youth Service pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of Learning and Leisure.


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The Director of Learning and Leisure submitted a report regarding the objectives, delivery and effectiveness of Youth Service provision in the North East (Inner) Area.  Appended to the report was statistical information on Youth Services work along with Youth Programmes carried out across the North East Inner area.


Neil Bowden of the Youth Service answered Members’ questions and brought attention to the following areas:


  • Youth Matters.
  • Summer Activities – donations from the Well-Being Fund were gratefully acknowledged.
  • The children and young people’s section of the Area Delivery Plan.
  • Investment in and the use of Council buildings for Youth Service activities.
  • Youth Service volunteers.
  • The Youth Service budget.


Ian Jones, Youth Development Worker gave the committee on further issues relating to the Youth Service.  Issues discussed included volunteer recruitment, Criminal Record Bureau registrations, voluntary organisations in the area and the production of an information booklet detailing youth activities across the area.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.