25 Rugby League World Cup 2013 PDF 102 KB
To consider the report of the Acting Director of City Development providing details of the 2013 Rugby League World Cup (RLWC), including the benefits of hosting the tournament. In addition, the report details the bidding process for potential Host Cities, whilst also seeking approval for the submission of a final bid and detailing the role of a consortium who will lead RLWC activity.
The Acting Director of City Development submitted a report providing details of the 2013 Rugby League World Cup (RLWC) and the bidding process for potential Host Cities. In addition, the report sought approval for the submission of a final bid and provided details on the role of a consortium who would lead on RLWC activity.
Members thanked officers for the work which had been undertaken on this matter to date, given the restricted timescales involved.
The report provided details of the Equality, Diversity and Cohesion and Integration Impact Assessment (EDCI) which had been undertaken in respect of the bid process and of Leeds hosting the event.
(a) That the contents of the submitted report be noted.
(b) That approval be given for Leeds to submit a bid to be a Host City for the Rugby League World Cup 2013 on July 15th 2011.
(c) That the requirement for the consortium to take responsibility for the Rugby League World Cup bid and subsequent World Cup related activity be noted.
(d) That approval be given for the consortium to progress contractual and commercial discussions with the Rugby Football League and for officers to report back to Executive Board with requirements once contractual and commercial details are known.
(The matters referred to in this minute were not eligible for Call In due to the imminent deadline for the submission of the final bid to become a Host City for the 2013 Rugby League World Cup)