Issue - meetings

Operation Apollo

Meeting: 14/09/2006 - West (Inner) Area Committee (Item 31)

31 Operation Apollo pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To note a report by the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing providing Members with detailed information on the Apollo 17 operation, which includes information on activities undertaken, results and feedback from the partner agencies involved in the 3 day multi agency operation.


(Executive Function) 


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report to provide Members with detailed information on the Apollo 17 operation, which included information on activities undertaken, results and feedback from the partner agencies involved in the three day multi-agency operation.


The new Police Inspector, Steve Thomas introduced himself to the Area Committee and gave a brief history of his career with the Police Authority.  He also raised concerns that his unit are temporarily based in a portable building at Pudsey Police Station with no transport facilities and too far away from the West Inner area.


Steve Crocker informed the meeting that talks are still ongoing relating to potential use of available facilities in Bramley. It may be possible to locate Inspector Thomas’ community police team within that provision as at this stage there is potentially available space. 


Gill Hunter, Community Safety Co-ordinator and Inspector Thomas presented  the report and responded to Members’ questions and comments.


The Area Committee were informed that Apollo operations include more positive actions now such as work in local schools to educate children on the implications of dropping litter and how their anti-social behaviour can impact on the community and on other people’s lives. Local activities where young people play cricket / football with local Police have also taken place. 


Inspector Thomas was invited to future meetings of the Armley Community Forum and Bramley & Stanningley Community Forum.


The Chair thanked officers for their attendance.


RESOLVED -  That the report and Members comments be noted.


(Note:  Councillor Taggart left the meeting at 7.00 p.m. during consideration of the above item.)