To consider the report of the Director of Director of Adult Social Services seeking authority from the Executive Board to proceed with a procurement exercise in regard to the Residential Quality Governance Framework and associated fees for Older Peoples care homes in Leeds.
Appendices 2 and 3 to this report are designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 68, 7th September 2011, a report from the Director of Director of Adult Social Services was submitted which sought the necessary authority to proceed with a procurement exercise in regard to the Residential Quality Governance Framework and associated fees for Older Peoples care homes in Leeds.
Members welcomed the cross-party approach which had been taken in respect of this matter, which had led to the proposals detailed within the submitted report.
Following consideration of Appendices 2 and 3 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
(a) That the Board’s agreement be given to the adoption of the quality framework approach and the associated recommended fee structure, as set out within the submitted report, whichfollows on from the work of the Advisory Board and the extensive collaboration to achieve a new business relationship with Independent Sector providers of residential and nursing care for older people.
(b) That the Board’s agreement be given to the initiation of a procurement process to commence immediately, and that it be noted that the Director of Social Services will take a delegated decision to award the framework contracts in accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegations, in order to ensure that the recommended quality framework and fee structure can be implemented from the 1st October 2012.
(c) That the Board’s agreement be given to the proposal that the recommended new monitoring arrangements are put in place in order to assure the intended improvements in quality.
(d) That the Board’s agreement be given to the proposal that the risks and mitigation plans are implemented with regard to the financial risks identified.