13 Tenancy Strategy 2013-2015 and Lettings Policy Review PDF 100 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Environments and Neighbourhoods on the draft Tenancy Strategy 2013-15 and changes that will be required to the Council’s Letting Policy in response to the Localism Act
Additional documents:
The Director of Environments and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing an update on the Council’s legal duty to publish a Tenancy Strategy, the draft Tenancy Strategy which had been prepared for the purposes of consultation, the changes that would be required to the Council’s lettings policy in response to the Localism Act and publication of the Code of Guidance on the Allocation of Accommodation, together with the proposed timetable and process for consultation and implementation.
(a) That the draft Tenancy Strategy be consulted upon with key stakeholders.
(b) That the final versions of the Tenancy Strategy and lettings policy are prepared for consideration by Executive Board in November 2012, taking into account the outcome of the consultation exercise.
(c) That approval be given to the revised wording of the lettings policy, as outlined within section 3.8.10 of the submitted report.