Issue - meetings

Capital Programme Quarter 1 Update for 2012 - 2015

Meeting: 18/07/2012 - Executive Board (Item 51)

51 Capital Programme Update for 2012 - 2015 pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Resources providing an update on the financial position for 2012/13 as at June 2012, including an update on capital resources; a summary of schemes upgraded from ‘Amber’ to ‘Green’ status since February and a summary of progress made on some major schemes. The report also includes ALMO capital investment proposals and seeks specific approvals to allow some schemes to progress


Additional documents:


The Director of Resources submitted a report providing an update upon the financial position for 2012/13 as at June 2012, including an update on capital resources, a summary of schemes upgraded from ‘Amber’ to ‘Green’ status since February and a summary of progress which had been made on some major schemes. In addition, the report also included ALMO capital investment proposals and sought specific approvals in order to allow some schemes to progress.



(a)  That the latest position on the general fund and Housing Revenue Account capital programmes, be noted.

(b)  That the transfer of schemes from the Amber to the Green programmes, as set out within section 3.3 of the submitted report, be noted.

(c)  That the following allocations from the Economic Initiatives provision in the capital programme be approved:-

§  £885,000 for the Eastgate development

§  £250,000 for Brunswick Terrace

§  £500,000 for Town and District Regeneration Scheme

§  £3,345,000 to support the delivery of superfast broadband  in the region

(d)  That the injection into the capital programme of £10,173,000, funded by government grant to enable the provision of additional primary school places, be approved.

(e)  That the economic impact of the Council’s capital programme, as detailed within section 5 and Appendix D of the submitted report be noted.