87 Financial Strategy 2013 to 2017 PDF 360 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Resources advising the Board of the development of a medium to long term financial strategy for the Council and providing information on the Government’s technical consultation on Business Rates Retention and the potential implications for the Councils’ financial strategy
The Director of Resources submitted a report regarding the development of a medium to long term financial strategy for the Council, providing information on the Government’s technical consultation exercise upon Business Rates Retention and highlighting the potential implications for the Council’s financial strategy.
Concerns were raised in respect of the funding of the Government’s New Homes Bonus initiative, and the significant implications it potentially had for Local Authorities such as Leeds. Members also highlighted the important role to be played by brownfield development in respect of housing provision in Leeds. In response, it was agreed that cross-party representations were made to Government in relation to the issues which had been raised.
Responding to an enquiry, the Board was provided with assurances regarding departmental spending levels, and it was highlighted that such spending levels had not increased in real terms.
(a) That the contents of the submitted report, together with the response to the Technical Consultation, as detailed within Appendix 2, be noted.
(b) That it be noted that a further report on the development of the Council’s financial strategy will be submitted to the December 2012 meeting of the Board as part of the Council’s Initial Budget proposals for 2013/2014.
(c) That an all-party letter be submitted to Government regarding the issues which had been raised during the meeting in relation to the New Homes Bonus initiative.