226 City Learning Centres PDF 151 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval for new arrangements regarding the funding and use of the City Learning Centres.
Additional documents:
The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report which sought approval of the proposed new arrangements relating to the funding and use of Leeds’ four City Learning Centres (CLCs). The proposals detailed within the submitted report aimed to build upon the practice currently available in the CLCs whilst also maximising the potential use of those valuable resources as citywide assets.
(a) That it be noted that the Dedicated Schools Funding used to support the running of the City Learning Centres ended on 31 March 2013 and that the interim funding made available through Children’s Services is only in place until 31 August 2013, after which all Council funding for the CLCs will cease.
(b) That approval be given to the inclusion of the Derek Fatchett CLC site as part of the City of Leeds academy proposals and that approval also be given to the inclusion of the CLC staff in the ring-fence for posts in the proposed new academy in addition to TUPE, should that apply based upon continued delivery of existing provision.
(c) That approval be given to the development of an agreement for an initial period of two years for the West Area Inclusion Partnership (AIP) to take over the running of the West CLC for use as an Inclusion Centre, on the understanding that there will be no budget transferring.
(d) That the development of an agreement with the North East AIP be approved, to run the North East CLC for the next two years, on the understanding that there will be no budget transferring and that TUPE is likely to apply to some staff based upon proposed future use. (This to be followed by further discussions with the AIP around the use of the CLC by one or more schools to enable them to increase their 11-16 capacity from 2015 onwards).
(e) That the transfer of the South CLC to the South Leeds Learning Trust be approved in order to enable them to increase their 11-16 capacity on the understanding that there will be no budget transferring.
(f) That the responsibility of implementing the resolutions (as detailed above) for the four City Learning Centres be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services.