Issue - meetings

Heads Together - Roundhay High Radio Production

Meeting: 16/10/2006 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 41)

Heads Together - Roundhay High Radio Production

To receive a presentation from a Well-Being Funded project.


Time – 10 Mins (Executive Function)


The Committee was given a presentation from Heads Together – A Roundhay High School Radio Production.  The project which was carried out in conjunction with East Leeds FM Radio in June 2006 had been supported by Well-Being Funds and involved the participation of pupils and staff from Roundhay  High School.  Short extracts of radio shows involving pupils were played to the Committee.


Abi May and Kirsty Watson of East Leeds FM introduced pupils and staff of Roundhay High School to the Committee to give their accounts of being involved with the radio project.  Comments made by pupils included the following:


  • I want a career in journalism  and I learnt valuable skills
  • I enjoyed the experience and had responsibility for issues
  • We did it as part of our work experience and got to learn how to use technical equipment
  • It has helped to break down barriers in school as you were involved with people you would not normally be involved with
  • I helped to train others on the use of equipment and worked on other broadcasts out of school
  • We went back to our old primary school and discussed the transfer to high school with year 6 pupils.  We also took part in health and environment shows.  It has helped to build our confidence.
  • I took part in a show on racial justice.  It helped to break down social barriers.
  • It brings the community together and helps us build confidence.
  • I had to learn how to speak to different people, think of questions and press for answers, I feel like I have accomplished something.


Parents and teachers were also asked for comments and it was highlighted that staff mainly played a co-ordinating role with ideas for shows coming from pupils.


The Chair thanked everyone involved in the project and the Committee gave a round of applause for those present.


(Councillors Rafique and Dowson joined the meeting at 5.15 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. respectively during the consideration of this item).