Issue - meetings

Chapeltown Community Facilities Review

Meeting: 16/10/2006 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 42)

42 Chapeltown Community Facilities Review pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 20 Mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which presented a review of community facilities in Chapeltown which had been prepared following a deputation to full Council by the Chapeltown Community Centre Action Group (CCCAG). The CCCAG had requested a plot of land from the Council to build a new Community Centre and had identified the former Hayfields public house site although this was the proposed site for the Chapeltown Joint Service Centre.


Following the review of current community facilities in Chapeltown and their capacity and usage levels it was concluded that there are already sufficient community facilities in the area and that there was not a case to release land or justify new building for a community centre, however, continued dialogue with the CCCAG was desired to help to deliver a solution to meet their needs.


In response to comments regarding the provision of youth facilities and in particular the poor condition of the Mandela Centre, it was suggested that there were possibilities for enhancing this facility, possibly with the assistance of other local providers.  It was further reported that the centre required a substantial amount of work and this was currently the main facility for young people in Chapeltown.


RESOLVED – That the report be referred to the Executive Board with the following recommendations:


(1)  That the facilities review demonstrates there is no case for the Council to consider the release of land as requested by CCCAG for the purposes of a new build community centre.  This does not preclude CCCAG pursuing options for a new development site in the area at market value.

(2)  That the way forward, as outlined in paragraphs 25-31 of the report is supported.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillors Dowson, Hamilton and Rafique requested it to be recorded that they  voted against this decision).