Issue - meetings

Grant & Funding Advice / K Fund Update

Meeting: 16/10/2006 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 45)

45 Grant & Funding Advice / K Fund Update pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To receive and consider the report of the north East Area Manager.


Time – 15 Mins (Executive Function)


The North East Area Manager presented a report which gave the Area Committee a progress report on Funding Advice and K-Fund 2006/07 applications given in the North East Inner Area.  Appended to the reports was detail of all organisations that had received advice and funding.


The Chair welcomed Paul Auber, Grant and Funding Advice Officer to the meeting.  It was reported that there had only been limited success within the Moortown and Roundhay wards, but spot publicity was being carried out with leaflets and posters at community buildings and surveys sent to local organisations.  Further feedback would be given to the Area Committee regarding this.  In response to a Members question, it was also reported that organisations which were seeking assistance on business planning were referred to the relevant agencies where possible, although it was recognised that there was a gap in providing business planning advice for voluntary sector organisations.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.