Issue - meetings

Area Delivery Plan 2006/2007 Update

Meeting: 19/10/2006 - West (Inner) Area Committee (Item 43)

43 Area Delivery Plan 2006/2007 Update pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To note a report by the West Area Manager providing an update on progress to date on actions contained in the Area Action Plan.


(Executive Function)


Additional documents:


The West Leeds Area Manager submitted a detailed report providing an update on the progress made in implementing the Area Delivery Plan during the 2006/07 municipal year.


Appended to the report was a table outlining progress to date against each action plan.


Carole Clark, Area Management Officer presented the report and, together with the West Area Manager, responded to Members’ queries and comments.


Detailed discussions ensued on the content of the report and appendices with specific reference to the Twilight Twirler group indicating that they are likely to cease using Wyther Community Centre from the end of December 2006. 



(a)  That the report and Appendices outlining the progress to date on   actions

   contained within the Area Action Plan be noted.

(b)  That a meeting be arranged for members from each ward to go through

  the draft Area Delivery Plan for 2007/2008.

(c)  That  a meeting be arranged  for the Twilight Twirler Group,  Armley Ward

  Councillors, Area Management Officers and Hollybush representatives   to

  discuss how to assist the Twilight Twirler Group in relocating to
