Issue - meetings

2006/07 Well-Being Fund

Meeting: 04/12/2006 - North East (Inner) Area Committee (Item 56)

56 2006/07 Well-Being Fund pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 10 Mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which contained recommendations of the Well-Being Fund Working Group on applications that had been received for funding.


An application for £5,000 had been received from Radio Asian Fever who had recently been awarded a full-time community radio license to broadcast from February 2007. A representative of Radio Asian Fever attended the meeting to support the application and answer Members questions.  It was reported in the Radio Asian Fever business plan that funding had been assured from East Inner Area Committee, East Safer Stronger Communities Funding and North West Inner Area Committee.  South  Inner Area Committee had been unable to provide funding due to other commitments and Members expressed disappointment as this area had a large Asian population.  Subject to approval of funding from other sources, it was reported that match funding would be made available from European Regional Development Funds.  An application had also been made for big lottery funding.  Concern was expressed regarding the sustainability of this project and how it would be funded in future years.








(i)  Leeds Reach - £3,000 – Approved.

(ii)  Meanwood Elders - £2,418 – Approved as a one off payment.

(iii)  East Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre (SILC) Youth Club - £3,000 – Approved.

(iv)  Air Training Corps North Leeds Squadron - £3,190 – Approved.

(v)  Fieldhouse Drive Improvements - £11,000 – Approved. (£2,415 from capital and £8,585 from revenue).

(vi)  Radio Asian Fever - £5,000 – Approved as a one off payment.


(Councillor Harker declared a personal interest in the application from East Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre due to his position as Executive Member for Children’s Services and under the provision of Council Procedure rule 16.5, requested it to be recorded that he abstained from voting in this matter).


(Councillor Dowson declared a personal interest in the application for Fieldhouse Drive Improvements as she is a member of the Leeds North East Homes ALMO).


(Under the provision of Council Procedure rule 16.5, Councillor Hamilton requested that it be recorded that she abstained from the voting in relation to the application from Air Training Corps North Leeds Squadron).