Issue - meetings

Leeds West Homes

Meeting: 07/12/2006 - West (Inner) Area Committee (Item 59)

59 ALMO Review pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To note a report and presentation submitted by the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing advising Members of the progress of the review of ALMOs in Leeds.


(Executive Function)   -   10 Mins



Additional documents:


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report to advise Members of the progress of the review of the ALMOs in Leeds, the transitional arrangements and, to advise Officers on the nature of any future briefings. 


John Statham, Neighbourhoods and Housing Department, gave a presentation and responded to Members’ questions and comments.


A copy of the presentation was attached to the submitted report for Members information.


Members felt that a briefing was required regarding the creation of Area Panels, which are to report to the Boards on local issues, and what roles Panels can play in support of that link should be made to West Inner Area Committee at a later date.


Members also expressed their concerns that the newly appointed Chief Executive would have twice the area to cover and it was feared that she would not be able to continue the good work which had already been carried out by West Leeds Homes.  Members were also anxious to know the political composition of the newly appointed Boards and how membership on those Boards was to be appointed.  Concern was also expressed about the political membership on the new Boards.  Members expressed their concerns that the membership on the new Boards will not recognise the role of local businessmen and local tenants who take on the role and gave up their spare time for training to be part of the ALMO Boards on a voluntary basis.  It was felt that the experience gained by those Board Members should be recognised.


Members also felt that there was still a need to build more affordable housing in the City and this should be continued by the new Boards.


The Chair thanked John Statham for his presentation.


RESOLVED -  That the report be noted and that any future briefings on the ALMO Review be submitted to the 29th March 2007 meeting.