Issue - meetings

Inner West Area Committee Well-Being Budget

Meeting: 07/12/2006 - West (Inner) Area Committee (Item 54)

54 Inner West Area Committee Well-Being Budget pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To consider a report of the West Leeds Area Manager seeking approval for new projects in the Inner West area.


(Executive Function)   -   5 Mins


Additional documents:


The West Leeds Area Manager submitted a report to update Members on the current amount of capital and revenue funding available for Wards in the Inner West area for the financial year 2006/07 and the commitments already approved.  The report and appendices also sought approval for new projects commissioned by the Area Committee.


Carole Clark, Area Management Officer, presented the report and, together with the West Leeds Area Manager, responded to Members’ questions and comments.



(a)  That the amount of Well-Being Budget remaining for the Inner West Area Committee be noted.

(b)  That the following decisions be taken in respect of new projects and   requests for funding from the Well-Being Budget contained in   appendices to the submitted report:-


(i)  ERDF Consultant – Approved £1,000 (Revenue)

(ii)  Tea Dance Project in West Leeds – Approved £6,420 (Revenue), subject to the funding agreement for the project being approved by the Area Management Team to ascertain best value use of resources.

(iii)  BARCA Youth Bank – Approved £5,250 (Revenue), subject to a progress report being submitted to the 29th March 2007 meeting.

  (iv)  Fencing to Hall Lane/Tong Road Cemetery – Approved £858   (Capital)


(c)  That the applications for Small Grants and Skips as outlined in paragraphs 3.2 of the report be approved.


(Councillor McKenna requested that it be recorded that he voted against the Tea Dance Project in West Leeds application for funding application.  Councillor Lowe declared a personal interest in the BARCA Youth Bank application for funding as it was established during the applicant’s presentation that part of the project was linked to Intake High School Arts College where she is an LEA School Governor).