Issue - meetings

Woodhall Playing Pitches, Pudsey

Meeting: 19/11/2014 - Executive Board (Item 114)

114 Design and Cost Report for Playing Pitches and Land at Woodhall Lane, Pudsey, LS28 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking the necessary approvals which would enable the acquisition of three parcels of land primarily laid out as playing pitches and grazing land from Bradford University and Bradford City Council on the heads of terms detailed within the exempt appendix. In addition, the report seeks approval of the sale of the long leasehold interest of the area outlined within the appended plan to Albion Sports Juniors Football Association, on the terms identified in the exempt appendix, subject to Albion Sports covenanting to share the use of the pitches with other clubs and schools in the area.


(Please note that Appendix 1 to this report is designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (3))



Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report seeking the necessary approvals which would enable the acquisition of three parcels of land primarily laid out as playing pitches and grazing land from Bradford University and Bradford City Council on the heads of terms as detailed within the exempt appendix to the submitted report. In addition, the report sought approval of the sale of the long leasehold interest of the area outlined within the appended plan to Albion Sports Juniors Football Association, on the terms identified in the exempt appendix, subject to Albion Sports covenanting to share the use of the pitches with other clubs and schools in the area.


Members were advised that agreement on this matter had not yet been reached and as such negotiations needed to continue with relevant parties. It was highlighted that should there be any requirement for the terms detailed within the submitted report and exempt appendix to change as a result of such negotiations, then the matter would be resubmitted to the Board for further consideration.


Following consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report, designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting it was


RESOLVED – That the following be approved:-

(a)  The principle of the acquisition of the three parcels of land primarily laid out as playing pitches and grazing land from Bradford University and Bradford City Council as identified on the plan appended to the submitted report, be agreed;


(b)  The Board approve the heads of terms, as detailed within the exempt appendix and the sale of the long leasehold interest of the area, as outlined in black on the appended plan, to Albion Sports Juniors Football Association, on the terms identified within the exempt appendix to the submitted report, subject to Albion Sports covenanting to share the use of the pitches with other clubs and schools in the area;


(c)  The delegation of the necessary authority to the Director of City Development in order to negotiate the detailed heads of terms for the acquisition of the Woodhall sites and also to negotiate the detailed heads of terms for the disposal of the pitches, as outlined in black on the appended plan, to Albion Sports Junior Football Association. Should this not be achievable, it is requested that a further report be submitted to the Board outlining an alternative proposal for the acquisition of the land;


(d)  The injection into the 2014/15 capital programme and authority to spend of the sums outlined within the exempt appendix to the submitted report which are funded by a capital receipt following the onward sale of the long leasehold interest;


(e)  That it be noted that the Head of Asset Management will be responsible for implementation of such matters, with transactions to complete within six months.