To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) setting out the approach taken to develop the Equality Improvement Priorities 2016-20 and how these support the ambitions of the city. The report also outlines the plans for reassessment of the Council against the Equality Framework for Local Government at ‘excellent’ level.
Additional documents:
The Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) submitted a report setting out the approach taken to develop the Equality Improvement Priorities 2016-20 and how these priorities supported the ambitions of the city. In addition, the report also outlined the plans for the Council’s reassessment against the Equality Framework for Local Government, in which the local authority currently held an ‘excellent’ accreditation.
Members welcomed the contents of the submitted report, and it was emphasised that equality improvement was a key priority for the Council. In addition, it was acknowledged that a proactive approach needed to continue in order to ensure that the Council was an attractive employer to all communities.
Responding to a Member’s specific enquiry, an update was provided on the actions being taken to promote the Council as an employer at graduate level.
(a) That the contents of the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the contents of the Equality Framework narrative be noted, and that an update on the outcomes and actions arising be provided to Executive Board in Spring 2016;
(c) That the Equality Improvement Priorities 2016-20 be endorsed, and that it be noted that annual reports will be provided on progress against these.