To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) detailing the process undertaken to generate spending guidance for Community Committees in making decisions on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) neighbourhood fund. Additionally, the report also proposes some minor changes to the Regulation 123 List.
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 156, 11th February 2015, the Director of City Development and the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) submitted a joint report detailing the process undertaken to generate spending guidance for Community Committees in making decisions on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Fund, with a number of potential options being presented for consideration. Additionally, the report also proposed some minor changes to the Regulation 123 List and the withdrawal of the Council’s policy allowing discretionary charitable relief for investment activities to address and clarify some implementation issues following 6 months of charging.
Prior to the meeting, Board Members had been provided with an updated version of the covering report and appendix 3, for their consideration, which superseded the versions contained within the original agenda papers.
Responding to an enquiry, the Board was provided with details of how receipts from CIL could potentially be brought forward and incorporated into the Council’s budget process.
Having discussed the issue of the CIL neighbourhood fund being allocated to the local Community Committee in those areas where there was no town or parish council, it was highlighted that such matters were already being discussed with Community Committee Chairs, and it was noted that Executive Board would be kept fully informed as discussions in this area continued.
(a) That approval be given to the CIL neighbourhood fund spending guidance for use by Community Committees, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report;
(b) That the proposed minor changes to the Regulation 123 List, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report be agreed, that it be noted that such changes will be subject to local consultation and that the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to consider any representations made and to make any further amendments considered necessary as a result of the consultation, prior to the implementation of the revised list;
(c) That approval be given to the removal of the Council’s policy allowing discretionary charitable relief for investment activities, to take effect from 1 December 2015;
(d) That the amendment to the Community Committee Executive Delegation Scheme, as set out within Appendix 3 to the submitted report, as revised and circulated to Board Members prior to the meeting, be approved, noting that the delegation is shared with the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities);
(e) That it be noted that the Chief Planning Officer will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.