Issue - meetings

Delivering the Better Lives Strategy Adult Social Care - BME Day Services

Meeting: 16/12/2015 - Executive Board (Item 104)

104 Delivering the Better Lives Strategy Adult Social Care - BME Day Services pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services which provides an update on progress made following approval of the `Delivering the Better Lives Strategy in Leeds - Proposed Next Steps` by Executive Board on 19th November 2014. The report provides details of the proposed consultation with service users, carers, unions, staff, partner organisations and Elected Members and how their views will be taken forward. In addition, the report also outlines the proposed next steps for improving the range of services offered to older people from BME communities.



Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 53, 23rd September 2015, the Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing an update on proposals for the future delivery of day support for older people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities at Apna (Hyde Park and Woodhouse) and Frederick Hurdle (Chapel Allerton) day centres. Specifically, the report provided details of the review of such services and on the proposed consultation to be undertaken with service users, carers, trade unions, staff, partner organisations and Elected Members. Furthermore, the report provided details of how the consultees’ views would be taken forward as part of the proposed next steps for improving the range of services offered to older people from BME communities.


In receiving the submitted report, the Board discussed the role which would be played by trade unions in the development of a new service model and also in any associated consultation exercise.



(a)  That the proposed change of approach towards determining the future model for delivering of services at Apna and Frederick Hurdle day centres from that outlined in the report approved by Executive Board in September 2015 be noted.


(b)  That approval be given for a revised two stage approach to a proposed service change:-

·  In Phase One, currently anticipated to be between January 2016 and December 2016, a new service model would be developed, including producing a service specification in co-production with service users, carers, unions, staff, partner organisations, community groups and Elected Members, working with Adult Social Care Commissioning;

·  Work on the new service model would include consideration of whether the service can continue to be provided directly by the Local Authority to meet the needs of the BME community or whether commissioning externally provides the best option;

·  The proposals arising from the development of the service model would then be subject to a formal consultation process;

·  The outcome of the consultation and recommendations would be reported back to Executive Board for a decision;

·  Contingent on the approval of the recommendation, Phase Two would involve the implementation of the Executive Board decision and a move to a new model of delivery.


(c)  That it be noted that the lead officer responsible for the implementation of such matters is the Director of Adult Social Services.