Issue - meetings

South Bank Masterplan and the Yorkshire Hub

Meeting: 27/07/2016 - Executive Board (Item 51)

51 South Bank Regeneration Framework and Leeds Station pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development presenting details of the South Bank framework, the status of work on the Leeds Station and which seeks approval to undertake comprehensive public consultation on the framework, the next steps on the HS2 Growth Strategy and to develop a reference case design for the Leeds Station.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented details of the South Bank Regeneration Framework, provided an update on the status of work on the Leeds Station and which sought approval to undertake comprehensive public consultation on the framework, the next steps on the HS2 Growth Strategy and also to develop a reference case design for the Leeds Station.


The Board welcomed the submitted report. In addition, Members highlighted the need for the associated consultation exercise to be comprehensive, with due consideration being given to the responses which were received.



(a)  That the ambitions for the South Bank and Leeds Station be supported, and that the Director of City Development be requested:-

(i)  To undertake a three month public consultation exercise on the South Bank Regeneration Framework and associated city centre transport proposals, to commence in August 2016;

(ii)  To develop the HS2 Growth Strategy, as per the proposals contained in paragraph 3.10 of the submitted report, including a delivery and funding plan to deliver proposals contained within the framework;

(iii)  To develop, in partnership with others, a single reference case design for Leeds station, which includes the opportunity to phase improvements and consider how third party funding could help deliver change;


(b)  That the Chief Planning Officer be requested to review the Council’s South Bank Supplementary Planning Document and policy framework relating to taller buildings in the South Bank, with a view to recommending how the framework may facilitate updates or changes to existing policies;


(c)  That an injection of a £575,000 loan from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority into the Council’s Capital Programme be approved, in order to fund the ground remediation to four sites off Bath Road;


(d)  That it be noted that the Director of City Development is responsible for the implementation of such matters, and that it be requested that a further report on these issues be submitted to Executive Board later in 2016.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)