Issue - meetings

Land Assembly and Financing for the East Leeds Orbital Road

Meeting: 21/06/2017 - Executive Board (Item 19)

19 East Leeds Orbital Road - Land Assembly and Financing pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out the work undertaken to date in order to assemble land to facilitate the delivery of the East Leeds Orbital Road and which requests Executive Board approval to make a Compulsory Purchase Order and a Side Roads Order and also to approve the financing package for the scheme.


(Please Note: Appendix 6 of this report is designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to information Procedure Rule 10.4(3))

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 149, 8th February 2017, the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval for the Council to make a Compulsory Purchase Order and related Side Roads Order in order to assemble the land necessary for the construction and adoption of the East Leeds Orbital Road (ELOR). The report also sought agreement to a financing package for the ELOR scheme, and presented an update on the work undertaken on this project to date.


In considering the report, further to the Wards highlighted within the submitted report, it was highlighted that Alwoodley Ward would also be affected by the initiative, specifically the advanced junctions work.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, it was confirmed that although there was no provision for a bus lane on the East Leeds Orbital Road itself, there were a number of public transport improvements proposed to be undertaken as part of the overall East Leeds Extension programme.


Following consideration of Appendix 6 to the submitted report designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the Director of City Development be authorised to make the Leeds City Council (East Leeds Orbital Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2017 ("the CPO") under sections 239, 240, 246, 249, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980, the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and all other enabling powers, as per the details set out in paragraphs 3.5 – 3.8 of the submitted report, and the plan at Appendix 3 (subject to any final amendments the Director of City Development considers necessary);


(b)  That the Director of City Development be authorised to make the Leeds City Council (A6120 (East Leeds Orbital Road Classified Road) Side Roads and Other Works) Order 2017 ("the SRO") under sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980 and all other enabling powers, as per the details set out in paragraphs 3.5 – 3.8 of the submitted report and the plan at Appendix 4, (subject to any final amendments the Director of City Development considers necessary);


(c)  That the Director of City Development be authorised to take all necessary steps to proceed with, and secure confirmation of the CPO and SRO, including the service of all requisite notices on affected parties in connection with the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO and SRO and making of agreements and undertakings with landowners and other affected parties necessary in order to secure removal of any objections made to the CPO and SRO (where such agreements and undertakings are appropriate), and subject to the confirmation of the CPO, the making of one or more general vesting declarations under the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 or the service of Notice to Treat and Notice of Entry under the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, and if necessary presenting the Council’s case at any public inquiry or other proceedings;


(d)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19