16 Leeds Cycling Starts Here (CSH) Strategy PDF 50 KB
To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the progress made in the development of cycling in the city and which seeks endorsement of the Leeds Cycling Starts Here Strategy.
Additional documents:
The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the progress made with regard to the promotion of cycling in the city, and which presented for the Board’s endorsement the Leeds ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy.
In acknowledging the progress which had been made in recent years in Leeds with regard to cycling, Members discussed the role of the proposed strategy and how it would be used as a starting point to make further progress in this area. The Board acknowledged the multifaceted nature of cycling and how this would need to be reflected by the strategy, and discussed the role to be played by Scrutiny in the Strategy’s development.
(a) That the contribution of partners and stakeholders towards the production of the Leeds ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy, be noted;
(b) That the findings of the consultation process, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(c) That the Leeds ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy be endorsed;
(d) That the progress made on the Strategy and related matters be reported to Scrutiny Board annually;
(e) That future updates on the ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy be presented to Executive Board, as necessary;
(f) That it be noted that the Chief Officers for Highways & Transportation and Culture & Sport will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.