Issue - meetings

Injection of £1,636k Flexible Homelessness support Grant into the Resources and Housing 2017/18 revenue budget

Meeting: 21/06/2017 - Executive Board (Item 14)

14 Financial Health Monitoring 2017/18 - Month 2 (May 2017) pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services, on the Council’s projected financial health position for 2017/18 at month 2. Budget Monitoring is a continuous process throughout the year, and this report reviews the position of the budget and highlights potential key risks and variations after the first two months of the year.


Additional documents:


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting the Council’s projected financial health position for 2017/18, as at month 2. The report reviewed the position of the budget and highlighted any potential key risks and variations after the first two months of the financial year.


The Board highlighted the importance of the transparent approach which was being taken towards the presentation of budgetary information, and discussed how the presentation of such information could help to identify where specific budgetary pressures existed.



(a)  That the projected financial position of the authority, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the injection of £14.702m of additional Better Care funding into the Adults and Health 2017/18 revenue budget, be approved, with the proposals in respect of the use of the grant being submitted to a forthcoming Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board, and subsequently reported to a future Executive Board. With it also being noted that the Director of Adults and Health has the responsibility for the implementation of the decision;


(c)  That the injection of £1.636m of Flexible Homelessness Grant into the Resources and Housing 2017/18 revenue budget, be approved, with it being noted that the Director of Resources and Housing is responsible for implementing decisions as to the use of the grant.