The report of the Chief Planning Officer outlines an application for residential development of up to 140 new homes, public open space, flood alleviation measures, landscaping, new access from A58 Wetherby Road and pedestrian / cycle access from The Drive. Land at Wetherby Road, Bardsey, Leeds, LS17.
(Report attached)
Additional documents:
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an outline application for residential development of up to 140 dwellings, public open space, flood alleviation measures, landscaping, new access from A58 and pedestrian/cycle access from The Drive at land at Wetherby Road, Bardsey, Leeds.
Members were informed the proposal was for a residential development of up to 140 dwellings on an area of land designated as Green Belt. The applicant’s (the Bramham Park Estate and Sandby (Bardsey) Ltd) case was based upon very special circumstances which relate to the refurbishment and restoration of a number of important heritage assets, including a significant number of Grade 1, Grade1* and Grade 2 listed buildings.
The Panel was advised of the following points:-
· Case put forward for special circumstances for the heritage benefits
· The site had been to Panel in November 2016 when Members had undertaken a site visit;
· The house and gardens were of local and national importance;
· There was a disrepair deficit of £10.7m.
· The Bramham Estate host a number of events including Bramham Horse Trials, Leeds Festival and has been used on a number of occasions for filming;
· All money generated through Capital receipts would be used for urgent repairs;
· The application is within the Green Belt
· Application site is not within the Site Allocation Plan (SAP)
· Site located between The Drive and First Avenue
· Lower part of the site is located within flood risk land
· Located within the conservation area of East Keswick and Bardsey cum Rigton;
· Application had been submitted in outline with all matters reserved apart from access;
· 35% of the 140 proposed dwellings would be affordable housing;
· Section 106 agreement would provide 100% of the proceeds from the development would be used for the refurbishment of the heritage sites of the house and garden on the Bramham Estate;
· An independent viability assessment had been provided which agreed with the conclusions of the officers;
· 509 letters of objection had been received;
· Speed limit signs on the A58 would be relocated as part of the access proposals; and
· The Biggin a house located on the site was capable of conversion to flats. It was noted to be economically viable and that if money was input to this it could generate an income in its own right for the longevity of the estate.
Members were shown photographs and plans throughout the presentation.
Members were reminded of paragraph 14 of the NPPF which was read out at the meeting and set at paragraph 10.7 of the submitted report.
Members were further advised of the following:-
· The three reasons for refusal;
· Correction to paragraph 10.155 bullet point V: The harm ascribed to the issue of accessibility is ‘significant’ and not ‘limited’.
· A late representation from a local resident who was unable to attend the meeting that supported the Bardsey Parish Council objection and that the development must not proceed.
Nick Lane-Fox, the applicant and Adam Key from Savills were in attendance at the meeting and informed the Plans Panel of the following ... view the full minutes text for item 127