Agenda and minutes

Inner North East Community Committee - Monday, 29th June, 2015 6.30 pm

Venue: Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Community Centre, 311 Stonegate Road, Leeds LS17 6AZ

Contact: Helen Gray 0113 247 4355 

No. Item

Approximately 30 representatives of the local community, stakeholders and partners attended the meeting



Notification of Election of Community Committee Chair for 2015/2016 pdf icon PDF 295 KB

To note that Councillor E Taylor was appointed Chair of the Inner North East Community Committee for the 2015/16 Municipal Year by Annual Council on 21 May 2015. A copy of the report of the City Solicitor provides further details.


The Inner North East Community Committee (CC) received a report from the City Solicitor providing formal notification that Councillor Eileen Taylor had been elected as Chair of the CC for the 2015/16 Municipal Year.

RESOLVED - To note that Councillor E Taylor had been elected Chair of Inner North East CC for the 2015/16 Municipal Year



Chair's Remarks


Councillor Taylor welcomed all present to the meeting and expressed her thanks to her colleagues for her nomination as Chair of the CC. Councillor Taylor also expressed thanks to Councillor S Hamilton for her work as Chair of the CC during the previous two years.


The Chair also announced that an informal workshop would be held at the end of the formal meeting where local residents, stakeholders and partners were invited to work with officers and local ward Councillors. The issues to be discussed related to the environmental and parks & countryside matters covered in reports in the formal meeting agenda.



Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting).


There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents



Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-

   RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-


There were no resolutions to exclude the public



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


No formal late items of business were added to the agenda, however Members were in receipt of a revised covering report to agenda item 10 “Community Committee Appointments” as the wrong report had been included in error within the agenda (minute 11 refers)


Additionally, the Chair accepted two late items of business to be transacted at the meeting, namely two late applications to the Wellbeing Fund, which required urgent consideration (Minute 13 refers)



Declarations of Disclosable Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct


No declarations of disclosable interests were made



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence


There were no apologies



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 4:16 and 4:17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


The following members of the public addressed the meeting under the provisions of Paragraphs 4:16 and 4:17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules:

Friends of Gledhow Fields (Mrs L Hilton) - seeking acknowledgement and support for local residents’ opposition to plans to enclose the green space adjacent to Gledhow Primary School which they regarded as community land, in readiness for the schools’ expansion.

Moortown shopping parade (Mr I Laidlock) - seeking a response to local safety concerns over parking and traffic flow near to the shops. Councillor Charlwood responded that work was being done with relevant council officers and shop owners, however the land was owned by the traders themselves.


Councillor Taylor confirmed that these matters would be referred to the relevant LCC officers for consideration. The CC could anticipate a report back in due course.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held 9th March 2015


(copy attached)


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held 9th March 2015 be agreed as a correct record



Matters Arising

To note any matters arising from the minutes


No matters were raised



Community Committee Appointments pdf icon PDF 295 KB

To consider the report of the City Solicitor on Community Committee appointments for the 2015/16 Municipal Year, including appointments to outside bodies


Additional documents:


The City Solicitor submitted a report providing information on the various appointments which fall within the remit of the Inner North East CC. Members were invited to determine appointments for the forthcoming Municipal Year.


The report noted that any appointments would be subject the Member Management Committee approving that arrangements for such appointments remain unchanged and are to continue to be made by this CC. The CC also took the opportunity to consider membership of the Member environment and wellbeing advisory groups which supported the work of the Committee.


The CC noted comments made in respect of working relationships with Children's Services, and agreed that these comments would be passed to the relevant officers


a)  That the following appointments to Outside Bodies be agreed (noting that the appointments are subject to approval by the Member Management Committee meeting on 7th July 2015)

Moor Allerton Elderly Care 

Community Action for Roundhay Elderly

Chapeltown CAB 

Inner North East Local Housing Advisory Panel 

S Hamilton

C Macniven

G Hussain

S Hamilton and B Urry


b)  That the following be agreed in respect of Community Lead Member roles:

Adult Social Care

Health and Wellbeing

Employment Welfare and Skills

Children's Services

Community Safety


C Macniven

E Taylor

G Hussain

R Charlwood

M Rafique

B Urry


c)  To note that Councillor R Charlwood as the Community Lead Member for Children's Services will also be the CC representative to the Corporate Parenting Role


d)  That the following appointment to the local Children's Services Cluster Partnerships be agreed:




J Dowson

A Sobel and M Rafique

R Charlwood and B Urry


e)  That in respect of membership of the CC's advisory groups, the following be agreed:

Wellbeing advisory sub group



Environment advisory sub group

Councillors Dowson, Hamilton, Macniven and the Chair


Urry, Hamilton, Rafique and the Chair



Area Update Report pdf icon PDF 315 KB

To consider the report of the East North East Area Leader setting out proposals for consideration in respect of the proposed approach and priorities for the Inner North East Community Committee for the 2015/16 Municipal Year


The East North East Area Leader submitted a report setting out proposals for the proposed approach of the Inner North East CC for the 2015/16 Municipal Year.


Lee Griffiths, Area Officer, presented the report and highlighted the key matters for consideration:

Priorities and outputs – seeking to establish a mechanism to drive forward priorities and achieve measurable outputs and the proposal to establish a cross ward Working Party to explore options and best practice for how the CC can achieve this aim.


Neighbourhood Improvement Board (NIB) – noted the establishment of an Inner East NIB could, along with the locally developed Neighbourhood Improvement Plans (NIPs), be the driver for progress against the CCs identified priorities.


Community Centres – seeking consideration of the process for the CC to consider free lets to applicants who met the published criteria, following the new pricing policy set by Executive Board. The report also referred to the future of Meanwood Community Centre and receipt of an expression of interest from a group of the community centre users to establish a management committee


Co-optees – the CC had the option of recruiting co-optees to the CC and it had been agreed last year not to appoint, but to review the operation of the CC and the workshops after one year


Members discussed Meanwood Community Centre and the reasoning behind its inclusion in this CCs report for consideration, noting that the community centre served a large number of users from the Inner North East CC area


a)  That the contents of the report and the comments made be noted.

b)  That approval be given to the formation of a cross Ward working group to explore options of how best to achieve progress against Community Committee priorities.

c)  That the process for deciding upon Community Centre lets in light of the new arrangements as approved by the council’s Executive Board be approved

d)  To note the formal submission from users of Meanwood Community Centre and agree that the same submission is sent to the Executive Board

e)  That officers be requested to undertake further work on the issue of the appointment of co-optees to the CC, and to establish a working group to review current arrangements and whether co-opted appointments could add value to the work of the CC



Wellbeing Report pdf icon PDF 320 KB

To consider the report of the East North East Area Leader setting out the Inner North East Community Committee Wellbeing budget, including details of any new projects for consideration

Additional documents:


Lee Griffiths, Area Officer, presented the report seeking consideration of the applications received to the Inner North East CC Wellbeing Fund. The report also set out the current CC budget position and decisions taken under delegated authority in respect of the Youth Activity Fund for the area.


An amendment was reported in respect of the grant awarded under delegated powers for the "Pop Up Sports Club", to correctly reflect the award of £10,981.71. The comments made by the Member Wellbeing advisory group and through ward member consultation on the applications were noted in the report. The CC was also in receipt of two late applications for funding.


a)  To note the spend to date and current balances for the 2014/15 financial year and to note the proposed Wellbeing budget allocation for 2015/16, as approved by full council.


b)  To note the delegated decisions made in relation to Summer Holiday Activities and the Youth Activity Fund as detailed in the submitted report


c)  That having considered the applications as set out in paragraphs 23 to 36 of the submitted report and the recommendations of the Wellbeing Member advisory group, where appropriate, the following be approved


  i.  From Chapel Allerton ward budget:

-  Community events Pot - £500

-  Meanwood Valley Urban Farm, Environmental Summer Play Scheme - £500


  ii.  From Moortown ward budget

-  Community events Pot - £500

-  Skips budget - £1000

-  Meanwood Valley Urban Farm, Environmental Summer Play Scheme - £500


  iii.  From the Wellbeing Revenue Fund:

Annual Remembrance Service -

Granted: £125

Trips and equipment

Granted: £150

PHAB Friday Night Club


Granted:  £747.97

Roscoe Church Youth Provision

Granted:  £500

Money and Benefit Buddies

Granted: £1065

Building capacity in our neighbourhood

DEFER pending further discussions

Summer gardening and literacy


Community Participation & Leaning Programme

DEFER pending further discussions.

Al-Khidmat Centre

DEFER pending further discussions.

Providing services & opportunity for the people of Brackenwood

DEFER pending further discussions.


d)  That in respect of the two late submissions listed below, the CC delegated determination of these two applications to the Member advisory wellbeing group in consultation with ward members and officers:

·  Up North Urban All stars

·  Fusion Café



Derelict and Nuisance Sites Programme Update pdf icon PDF 301 KB

To consider the report of the East North East Area Leader on derelict and nuisance sites within the Inner North East Community Committee area

Additional documents:


The East North East Area Leader submitted a report providing background to the derelict and nuisance property programme, including information on the city-wide work undertaken and proposed to address derelict and nuisance sites; including sites within the Inner North East area.


Jane Maxwell, Area Leader, presented the report and the process for identifying such sites. It was noted that the list was not exhaustive and local involvement was sought to identify other sites.


It was noted that the full list of derelict and nuisance sites would be presented to the Member advisory environment sub group for consideration in the future in order to monitor reparation works. Comments identifying other sites would be welcomed during the workshop following the formal meeting


a)  To note the progress made and discussions on the matter

b)  To request that the Inner North East CC Member advisory Environment Sub Group perform a monitoring role in the matter of derelict and nuisance sites within the Inner North East CC area


Councillor Urry, Community Lead Member for Environment, introduced the following items on the Parks and Countryside Service and the Environmental Service Level Agreement (minutes 15 and 16 refer) explaining that the informal workshop would be an opportunity for local residents, stakeholders and partners to make comment on both issues which would help shape the service for the forthcoming year, through identifying priorities and therefore structuring resources.



Parks and Countryside Area Delegation Information for Inner North East pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Housing providing an update on the Parks and Countryside Service, specific to the Inner North East Community Committee area; and specifically on the new delegations to this community committee


The CC considered the annual report of the Director of Environment and Housing on issues relating to the recent delegation of the development and horticultural maintenance of community parks, cemeteries, recreation grounds, urban woodland, natural areas and local green space to community committees.


Mike Kinnaird, Development Manager, LCC Environment & Housing, attended the meeting to present the report and highlighted the new areas of delegation to the CC, including a profile of works undertaken and an assessment of the Community Parks in the locality.

Members briefly commented on the following:

·  the status of Norma Hutchinson Park

·  The value of voluntary work undertaken by local residents and community groups


a)  To continue to work with Parks & Countryside officers to determine future resource priorities based on data from the parks asset register.

b)  To note that this issue will be discussed during the informal workshop, with the comments made being used to support future priorities of the parks and countryside service in the Inner North East CC area



Environmental Services - Service Agreement for 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 344 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Environmental Action Service, setting out the Service Level Agreement for the Environmental Service Team operating within the Inner North East Community Committee area for 2015/16

Additional documents:


The Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report presenting the new Environmental Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Inner North East CC and the Environmental Action Service to help maintain clean and tidy neighbourhoods across the Inner North East area during 2015/16.


John Woolmer, East North East Locality Manager, highlighted the changes and responsibilities in the new SLA including the ‘plan on a page’ approach to each of the 3 wards within Inner North East CC area. Draft “plans” were presented at the meeting for consideration and discussion by the workshop following the formal meeting in order to provide a very local focus for the service to prioritise action according to identified need.


a)  To approve the attached Service Level Agreement for the 2015/16 municipal year;

b)  To delegate the responsibility to oversee the delivery of the Agreement and the associated “plans on a page” to the Environmental Sub Group, with input through ward member meetings.

c)  To note that the workshop following this meeting will also concentrate on “plan on a page” for the localities

d)  To request that the Member advisory Environment sub group work with officers and local ward members to develop the SLA specific to the three wards within the Inner North East CC area

e)  To note that the issue will be discussed in the workshop, and the comments made will be used to support the development of the SLA and future priorities of the Environmental Action Service



Future Meeting Arrangements

To note the dates of meetings for the Inner North East Community Committee for the remainder of the 2015/16 Municipal Year as:

21st September 2015

7th December 2015

14th March 2016


RESOLVED – To note the arrangements for future meetings as:

Monday 21st September 2015

Monday 7th December 2015

Monday 14th March 2016


Venues and start times to be confirmed nearer the meeting. The Chair urged local residents to visit the Inner North East CC Facebook page to access details of future formal meetings as well as up to date information on events in the locality


At the conclusion of the formal Community Committee meeting, the Chair advised that an informal workshop session would now take place where local residents, ward Councillors, partners, stakeholders and relevant Council officers would have the opportunity to discuss the topic of 'the place where we live' which would inform the work of the CC and its' priorities for the forthcoming year