Venue: BAME Health & Wellbeing Hub, Reginald Terrace, Leeds LS7 3EZ
Contact: Helen Gray 0113 3788657
Note: At 6.00pm there will be an informal workshop session with Councillors, local residents and stakeholders
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present to the formal meeting and brief introductions were made.
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).
(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting). Minutes: There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:- RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:- Minutes: There were no exempt items.
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Minutes: There were no late items of business.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Charlwood, Dowson, G Hussain and Sobel. Members also noted that Councillor Rafique would be late as he was attending the Leeds Apprenticeship Fair in his role as Executive Member for Employment, Skills and Opportunity.
Open Forum In accordance with Paragraphs 4:16 and 4:17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair. Minutes: Under the provisions of paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules (Open Forum), the following matters was raised: Community Options – Members received a short presentation on a scheme run by Community Links supporting individuals to manage their mental health issues. Work was ongoing to target and increase the promotion of the service to BME communities. The Committee noted information on the multidisciplinary approach to care and the referrals process.
Come in and Rest scheme – Members received a presentation on a scheme run by Time To Shine which aimed to encourage businesses to provide a place to rest for older people, as part of Age Friendly Leeds. Members noted the scheme had been launched in Moortown in January 2018. Guidance on how to further extend and publicise the scheme was sought and discussions considered whether the scheme could link into Changing Places provision.
Information leaflets on both schemes were provided at the meeting. RESOLVED – a) To note the contents of the representations b) To note that the Communities Team will liaise with Time To Shine regarding provide local traders’ contacts.
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 241 KB To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held 4th December 2017
(Copy attached) Minutes: RESOLVED – To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held 4th December 2017 as a correct record.
(Councillor Rafique joined the meeting at this point)
Matters Arising To note any matters arising from the minutes. Minutes: Minute 44 Transport Conversation Update – It was noted that further public events were scheduled, including events this week within the INE CC area.
Dates, Times and Venues of Community Committee Meetings 2018/2019 PDF 457 KB To consider the report of the City Solicitor seeking consideration of proposed dates, times and venues for Inner North East Community Committee Meetings 2018/2019
(Report attached)
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the City Solicitor setting out a proposed schedule of meetings for the forthcoming 2018/19 Municipal Year for Members’ consideration: • Monday 2nd July 2018 at 7.00 pm • Monday 3rd September 2018 at 7.00 pm • Monday 3rd December 2018 at 7.00 pm • Monday 4th March 2018 at 7.00 pm
The proposed dates reflected the current pattern of meetings, however Members were mindful of earlier discussions regarding public attendance and gave consideration to meeting start times and re-organisation of the informal workshops which could maximise the accessibility of the meetings for the community. It was noted that Annual Council on 24th May 2018 would confirm the Municipal Diary for 2018/19. Members agreed to meet informally to further consider meeting start times and workshop session arrangements and to provide the preferred start times to Governance Services.
Members expressed their support to continue to organise meetings in rotation throughout the three wards; subject to availability; cost and suitability of venues. RESOLVED – a) To agree to the following meeting schedule: • Monday 2nd July 2018 • Monday 3rd September 2018 • Monday 3rd December 2018 • Monday 4th March 2018 b) To note that Members will meet informally to further discuss meeting start times and will notify Governance Services prior to Annual Council c) To agree to continue to alternate the meeting venues throughout the three wards within the Inner North East area.
Inner North East Community Committee - Community Engagement Activity PDF 260 KB To consider the report of the ENE Area Leader, submitted in support of the Workshop session and encourage discussion on the engagement activity of the Inner North East Community Committee. The report also provides examples of engagement activity currently employed by INE Community Committee and includes questions and discussion points for the informal workshop to consider.
(Report attached)
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the ENE Area Leader presenting a review of the community consultation undertaken by the Communities Team on behalf of INE CC. The report set out the engagement activities and current practice and set four questions for consideration: - Does the community know/understand what the Inner North East Community Committee is and what its role is? - When engaging with communities on key issues, what works well and not so well? - Are Community Events worthwhile and do they provide value for money? - Funding – Can the community access funding available from the Community Committee?
The report had formed the basis for discussions during the informal workshop session held prior to the formal meeting. The themes discussed would be incorporated into future consideration of community engagement activity undertaken by the Communities Team. The focus of the discussions included: · A broader platform for engagement may encourage more residents to have their say on issues they are concerned about; which in turn will lead to them engaging with consultation on specific issues · Pop-up type consultation events/options, supported by social media, located near/within naturally busy areas (such as schools/supermarkets) will encourage more local resident involvement · ‘Old fashioned’ posters/flyers and leaflets distributed to business/GP surgeries/libraries provide information on the INECC and its meetings to residents without internet access · Whether a mix of day and evening meetings may be better supported by residents · Splitting the themed workshops from the formal business meeting and reviewing their schedule may encourage participation · The value of engagement with businesses was emphasised with a suggestion that each ward hosts a “self-interest session” where traders/residents can express what they want for their area · Establish a calendar of community events for reference by service providers when they wish to undertake their own engagement · Connect individuals to constituted groups so that they can access funding RESOLVED – a) To note the content of the report b) To note that the information provided during the workshop discussions would help to shape the future engagement activity of the Inner North East Community Committee
Wellbeing Budget Report PDF 270 KB To consider the report of the East North East Area Leader setting out the Inner North East Community Committee Wellbeing budget.
(Report attached)
Additional documents: Minutes: Neil Pentelow, Area Officer, presented a report on the current Wellbeing and Youth Activity Fund (YAF) 2017/18 budget arrangements and decisions taken under delegated authority for the area since the last CC meeting. The Committee noted that the Wellbeing/YAF budget allocation arrangements for 2018/19 were not yet available and would be provided to Members as soon as possible
It was noted that no new wellbeing applications had been submitted for consideration at this meeting.
Members noted the top-slicing arrangements for 2018/19 proposed to follow previous year’s arrangements: Festive Lights £16,250.00 Ward budgets £10,000.00 per ward Community skips £600.00 per ward Community engagement £1,000.00
Members discussed Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) arrangements, with three options set out for their consideration, noting that Option 3 “Retain CIL Neighbourhood Fund as an Area Pot” had received the majority support during previous discussions – this would see the pot retained by INE CC area fund and allocated to projects/schemes discussed through an advisory finance sub-group who would make recommendations to the full Committee to consider.
Members supported a suggestion that all Members of the Committee should be consulted during the application process associated with ‘large’ applications (£25k and above). It was also noted that the Wellbeing Advisory Group had begun the process of shortlisting YAF applications. RESOLVED – a) To note the current balances for 2017/18 and the spend to date against those budgets as set out in the submitted report and Appendix 1 b) To approve the 2018/19 Inner North East Wellbeing budget top-slicing arrangements as outlined in paragraphs 14-19 of the submitted report c) To approve the mechanism for allocating the Inner North East CIL Neighbourhood Fund as detailed in paragraphs 23-29 of the submitted report, noting that for schemes exceeding £25k, all Members of the Committee will be invited to the relevant advisory sub group meeting to take part in the discussion prior to any recommendation being made to the full Committee d) To note the delegated decisions made since the last meeting of Inner North East Community Committee as outlined in the schedule at paragraph 30 of the submitted report
Inner North East - Youth Activity Fund (YAF) Summer Activities 2017/18 PDF 197 KB To consider the report of the ENE Area Leader providing feedback and information on the Summer Activities that were funded by the Inner North East Community Committee using Youth Activity Funding (YAF) in 2017/18. The report also provides an update on the Inner North East Youth Summit which took place on 17th January 2018 in order to consult local young people on what activities they would like to see in the area.
(Report attached)
Additional documents:
Minutes: Neil Pentelow, Area Officer, introduced a report providing feedback and information on the Summer Activities funded by the INE CC using Youth Activity Funding (YAF) during the six week school summer holiday in 2017.
The report also included an overview of the Inner North East Youth Summit held on 17th January 2018 which provided an opportunity to consult local young people on what activities they would like to see in the area, with the findings being used to inform spend of the 2018/19 Inner North East Youth Activity. Neil and Councillor Taylor expressed their thanks to partners; attendees and Third Sector youth service providers for their support at the Summit.
The Committee noted the Summit had been less well attended this year and considered the reasons for this, including the timing of the event; and what could be done to encourage better attendance in future years. There was some discussion on whether funding contracts could require participation in the Summit/other INE CC youth activities by Groups/Service Areas which had received YAF funding. Members noted the response that letters accompanying successful grants could refer to the INE CC’s expectation that funding recipients would support the Youth Summit. Additionally, officers agreed to review measures to encourage attendance.
Councillor Taylor thanked Members of the Wellbeing Advisory Group who had considered all YAF applications, and specifically to Councillor Hamilton and Councillor Macniven for their work visiting and supporting the individual summer activities. RESOLVED – a) To note the contents of the report and the comments made during discussions b) To note that the Communities Team will undertake a review of Youth Summit arrangements, seeking to encourage attendance
Community Committee Update Report PDF 518 KB To consider the report of the ENE Area Leader update on the work programme of Inner North East Community Committee, its recent successes and current challenges
(Report attached) Minutes: Neil Pentelow, Area Officer, presented an update on the work programme of the Inner North East CC, its recent successes and challenges. The report provided an outline of the main issues discussed by the Member advisory sub groups; work undertaken with the Community Champions and some of the Community Events successfully held in the Inner North East CC area since the last meeting.
Members noted the success of the Leeds Apprenticeship Fair held earlier the same day and discussed other highlights including: 16 Days of Action – It was noted that Councillor Hamilton participated in the 10 mile walk Local Centres Programme Update – A comment regarding the bidding process as opposed to a funding allocation was noted. Community Safety – Enquiries to be made regarding future meetings of the Community Safety Divisional Partnership RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report and the comments made during discussions.
Community Comment To receive any feedback or comments from members of the public on the reports presented to this Community Committee meeting.
A time limit for this session has been set at 10 minutes.
Due to the number and nature of queries it will not be possible to provide responses immediately at the meeting. However, members of the public shall receive a formal response within 14 working days.
Minutes: The Chair noted the opportunity for members of the public to give feedback and/or queries on the reports presented during the formal part of the Community Committee meeting, the intention being that written responses would be provided within 14 days. No comments were raised.
Any Other Business Minutes: Committee Members. Councillor Taylor noted that this would be the last meeting for the 2017/18 Municipal Year prior to the May elections – when three INE CC Councillors would be standing down. Councillor Taylor paid tribute to the work done for the community by Councillors Macniven, G Hussain and Sobel. In presenting flowers to Councillor Macniven, Members of the Committee expressed their thanks and best wishes to her.
Additionally, Councillor Taylor thanked Jane Maxwell, ENE Area Leader and Neil Pentelow, Area Officer, and all of the ENE Communities Team for their hard work this year and the support offered to her as Chair.
Date and Time of Next Meeting To note the date and time of the next formal meeting is proposed as Monday 2nd July 2017 at 7.00 pm (with an informal workshop to be held at 6.00 pm) Minutes: RESOLVED – To note the date of the next meeting as Monday 2nd July 2018. The start time and venue to be confirmed. |