Agenda and minutes

Inner North East Community Committee - Monday, 1st March, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Remote

Contact: Natasha Prosser 0113 3788021 

Link: to view the meeting

No. Item

The Chair welcomed everyone to the remote meeting of the Inner North East Community Committee.


The Chair explained that internet connectivity may be an issue for some participants, it was noted that the Inner North East Community Committee have a Deputy Chair, which is Cllr Jane Dowson who would take the Chair should the Chair lose connectivity.



Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting).


There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.



Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-

   RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-


There were no exempt items.



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


There were no formal late items of business identified. However, supplementary information had been distributed prior to the meeting in relation to Agenda Item 11: Update Report (Minute No. 80 refers).



Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillor J Goddard, E Tunnicliffe and R Charlwood.



Open Forum

In order to facilitate the Open Forum item whilst Community Committee meetings are being held remotely, the process has adapted slightly, so that members of the public are invited to make written submissions in advance of the meeting on any matter which falls within the Community Committee’s terms of reference. These will be read out by the Clerk under this agenda item and considered by the Community Committee.



On this occasion, no written submissions had been received from members of the public.



Minutes of the previous meeting - 2 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 185 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held Wednesday 2nd December 2020.



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held 2 December 2020, be approved as an accurate record.



COVID19 Vaccination Programme Update pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To receive a verbal update on the work the NHS are undertaking in relation to the nationwide Covid19 vaccination programme in response to ongoing need in communities as the Covid-19 Pandemic has continued.


(Cover report attached)



Dr Amal Paul (GP Partner and Burmantofts, Harehills and Richmond Hill Primary Care Network Clinical Director) and Dr Guy Baker (GP and Clinical Director of Central North Primary Care Network) were in attendance at the request of the Community Committee, to provide an update on the roll-out of the vaccination programme. Members were informed of the following:

·  Alwoodley Medical Centre has had clinics running on Saturdays, and occasionally mid-week;

·  Approximately 20k patients at the Alwoodley Medical Centre have been vaccinated out of a total of 70k, with a small number of those having received the second dosage of the vaccination. The Centre will continue to move through the priority cohort – there are currently 9 priority groups;

·  Volunteers have been staffing and marshalling clinics;

·  It has been identified that there is an over representation of BAME community whom haven’t been vaccinated. Work is ongoing with Public Health colleagues to encourage take up of the vaccine;

·  A direct patient approach has been used by telephoning patients to explain the benefits of the vaccination.

·  The Burmantofts, Harehills and Richmond Hill PCN started vaccinations on the 14 December 2020, and anticipated issues with acceptance of the vaccination by the ethnic minority and deprived communities;

·  Uptake of the vaccination had increased to 55% after working with Public Health England and the NHS to resolve issues around misinformation and mistrust;

·  It was identified that engaging with the community is the approach in achieving trust and acceptance to the vaccinations.


Clarity was sought on whether practices are able to prioritise groups, in terms of people with disabilities/ key workers. Dr Baker confirmed that there was a strict steer from the NHS to prioritise groups on an age basis, and specific learning disabilities now form part of the top 6 priority groups. It was noted that there had been issues with patients receiving invitations twice, and this has caused some confusion. Dr Paul added that places of worship will be used to enable patients to access their nearest centre, and the approach sought improved uptake of the vaccination by the local community, as well as Faith Leaders being present for reassurance.


Laura Fitzgerald (Health Improvement Principal, Adults & Health) provided the Community Committee with a PowerPoint presentation that covered the following matters:

·  COVID proactive prevention and harm minimisation vulnerability model to reduce the negative impact on inequalities in health of COVID-19;

·  Ensuring an outreach approach is implemented and co-designing messages to link in with relevant messages that are needed;

·  The strap line nationally/locally ‘leaving no one behind’; with the aim to mitigate inequalities

·  Principles of the Outbreak Plan;

·  Actions in terms of PCN Inequality Plans, Roving Vaccine and Socially excluded/ communities of interest;

·  Working with Communities with low uptake including community engagement/champions, wider communications and training and awareness sessions.


Members’ discussion included:

·  The importance of using social media as a means to send out key messages and tackle theories and myths around the vaccine, and to identify reasons for hesitancy. It was confirmed that the Council are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


Inner North East Community Committee - Update Report: Employment and Skills Update


The Chair invited the Executive Member for Employment and Skills to provide the Community Committee with an update of activity in the area, particularly in relation to the number of people claiming Universal Credit and the numbers of changes being made to help people back into employment.


The Executive Member for Employment and Skills explained that Universal Credit figures have increased across all wards, mostly due to the direct impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. The Council’s Employment and Skills services have successfully supported 216 residents across the Inner North East area back into work, a reduction of 34% when compared to the same period last year; due to furlough. It was confirmed that over the next 6 months, a number of considerations will be taken in terms of big employers and anchor institutions to help assist people back into work.


It was reported that the 25-35 age group was the hardest to support back into work, particularly those with 0 hour contracts and part time work. The Leeds Apprenticeship Festival took place during National Apprenticeship Week (8 – 12 February 2021) and was held remotely. Work was also ongoing in terms of the Levy to boost Apprenticeship numbers, and the Council have made a commitment to those unable to finish their Apprenticeship by providing companies with the funding / matching employees up with new employers.


Members’ discussion included:

·  Concern for people on 0 hour contracts. Whilst it was acknowledged that 0 hour contracts could not be abolished, work was being looked at with anchor institutions and trade Unions to ensure people have a job where they are paid a fair wage, training opportunities and a career path;

·  Hosting career fairs aimed specifically to the Inner North East area and targeting jobs to help people understand employment opportunities in their community. The Executive Member for Employment and Skills confirmed he would be happy to assist the Community Committee with a tailored career fair and acknowledged the benefits of holding them within communities for residents who don’t drive.


RESOLVED – To note the contents of the verbal update.



Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 348 KB

The report of the Director of City Development brings to members’ attention details of the consultation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy.


(Report and executive summary for the strategy attached)


Additional documents:


The report of the Director of City Development, was to bring to members’ attention details of the consultation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy.


In attendance for this item were:

  • Finn Campbell, Team Leader (Forward Planning)
  • Paul Foster, Transport Planning Manager


The Community Committee were provided with a presentation of slides to inform the consultation process.


Members were informed of the following points:

  • The Transport Strategy has the vision that Leeds is to be a city where you don’t need a car;
  • The objectives of the strategy are to: tackle climate change; deliver inclusive growth; and improve health;
  • The 6 big moves identified to focus on the Transport Strategy are:
    • De-carbonising transport;
    • Creating healthier streets, spaces and communities;
    • Transform the City Centre
    • Enhance public transport
    • New mobility solutions
    • Deliver a mass transit network


It was noted that during the Transport Consultation held in 2016, the feedback from the Inner North East area was for more efficient inexpensive public transport, less private cars coming from North Yorkshire, catering for orbital journeys and Ring Road cycle provision.


Consultation on the Transport Strategy will be open until 26th March 2021. A copy of the Transport Strategy was appended to the report to the Committee and can be found on the Leeds City Council web pages. The Committee also heard that the team are doing a number of webinars, links to these could also be found on the Council’s web pages.


In responding to questions from Members, the following had been discussed:

·  The measures in place to mitigate residential speeding including the need to tackle cut-through driving, and understand the effect this has on main routes into the city centre;

·  The importance of public engagement during consultation processes on locally led schemes, particularly to identify main problems in communities;

·  The importance of encouraging residents to use active travel and reducing private car usage, whilst acknowledging there needs to be reliable and easily accessible public transport infrastructure in place. Members were informed there is ongoing work with West Yorkshire Combined Authority to improve bus infrastructure, although it was noted there were limitations in terms of funding and there was a need nationally to take this issue forward.


The Chair thanked officers for their attendance.


RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report.



Inner North East Community Committee Finance Report pdf icon PDF 799 KB

The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.


(Report attached)



The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund as well as the CRIS and Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.


Members were informed of the following points:

·  An update on the Wellbeing Fund. A full breakdown and projects was provided at Table 1. The total revenue funding available to the Community Committee for 2020/21 is £136,177.81, with a remaining balance of £24,887.04;

·  Ring Fenced Allocations for 2021/22:

o  Ward Pots - £10k per ward;

o  Community Engagement - £1k;

o  Chapeltown CCTV - £3k;

o  Festive Lights - £25k.

·  Since the last Community Committee on 2 December, the following projects have been considered and approved by DDN:

o  Healthy Holidays, Christmas Provision £450; (Wellbeing)

o  Gledhow Valley Road SID £3500; (Capital Project)

o  Harehills Lane SID £3500; (CIL)

o  Chapel Allerton Spaces, Living Advent Calendar £731; (Ward Pot)

o  Meanwood Valley Urban Farm Public Access Defibrillator Project £639 (Ward Pot)

o  Stainbeck URC Public Access Defibrillator Project £1589 (CA Ward Pot £794.50 and Moortown Ward Pot £794.50)

·  An update on the Youth Activities Fund. Balances and projects were set out at Table 2 of the report;

·  A breakdown of the Ward Pots 2020/21 at Table 4 of the report;

·  Outlined projects at Table 5 of the report of projects currently on hold or running and how they have been affected by the pandemic 2020/21;

·  The Capital Budget 2020/21 and an update on the projects to date as outlined in Table 6 of the report;

·  The CIL remaining balance was £123,921.18 with the CIL allocation outlined in Table 7 of the report;

·  An update on the allocation of the £10k COVID Government Funding, with a remaining balance of £9,163;

·  An update on the £10k COVID-19 Discretionary Fund, with a remaining balance of £23,868


Members requested that details be circulated regarding the Gledhow Valley Road SID and Harehills Lane SID.


RESOLVED – To note the details of the following:

a)  Details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1)

b)  Details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision

c)  Details of the Youth Activities Fund position (Table 2)

d)  Details of Skips and Ward Pots (Table 4)

e)  Details of the position statement on projects funded by the committee that are currently running on hold and how they have been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic (Table 5)

f)  Details of the Capital Budget (Table 6)

g)  Details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (Table 7)

h)  Details of the Community Committees and the Communities Team responses to the Coronavirus pandemic


The Community Committee approved the following applications:

·  Wilderness on your Doorstep £7,350 (Wellbeing)

·  Summer Bands in Leeds Parks 2021 £1,950 (Wellbeing)

·  A Midsummer Night’s Showcase in Roundhay Park and Potternewton Park £500 (Wellbeing)

·  New shower facility and disabled toilet £3,158 (CIL)

·  Ring Fenced Allocations for 2021/22 as outlined above



Inner North East Community Committee Update Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The report of the Head of Stronger Communities brings to members’ attention an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provides opportunities for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


(Report attached)


Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities updated Members on the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provided opportunities for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


The report also provided updates on some of the key activities between Community Committee meetings and functions delegated to Community Committees, Community Champion roles, community engagement, partnership and locality working.


Prior to the meeting, supplementary information had been distributed to Members including a copy of the Facebook highlights and information in relation to the Chapel Allerton, Moortown and Roundhay COVID-19 Facebook Groups.


Members highlighted key activities undertaken in terms of their role as Community Committee Champions, including an update on:

·  Youth Service - digital equipment had been provided to local schools in the Inner North East area including laptops / chromebooks to support home learning;

·  Cleaner Neighbourhoods Team (CNT) – Risk Assessments have been updated to ensure safe working for office staff and front line workers, and to bring more services back. It was confirmed that Bulky waste collections are taking place again;

·  Leeds Anti-Social Behavioural Team (LASBAT) – the pandemic has resulted in an increased number of cases of ASB across the Inner North East area, and the demand for service has increased significantly;

·  Covid-19 vaccine – whilst the initial roll out of the vaccination has been successful, people are urged to comply with restrictions and take up the vaccine when notified. Reports of anyone claiming to be able to provide residents with a free vaccine should be made to the Police or by calling 101.


Members’ attention was also drawn to the following points:

·  The Inner North East Housing Advisory Panel started the year with a budget of £39,109.79, and has approximately £10k left to spend until the end of March 2021;

·  The Reginald Centre has been adapted and is Covid safe, enabling staff to provide a key service to communities;

·  Job Shops staff are working remotely with customers via email and telephone, offering the full range of services;

·  The INE Facebook Page has received an extra 12 page ‘likes’, bringing the following amount to 1,013 and the 6th most popular Community Committee page;

·  The most popular post since the 16th November 2020 is the LCC Inner North East Community Committee post ‘Covid-19 Rates are rising in parts of Leeds’.


RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report.



Date and Times of Community Committee Meetings 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 422 KB

The report of the City Solicitor requests Members to give consideration to agreeing the proposed Community Committee meeting schedule for the 2021/22 municipal year.


(Report attached)



The report of the City Solicitor requested Members to give consideration to agreeing the proposed Community Committee meeting schedule for the 2021/2022 municipal year.


Members were advised that the Procedure Rules state that there shall be at least four ordinary or ‘business’ meetings of each Community Committee in each municipal year and that a schedule of meetings will be approved by each Community Committee. The report seeks to schedule 4 Community Committee business meetings for 2021/22, in line with previous practice. The proposed schedule has been compiled with a view to ensuring an even spread of Committee meetings throughout the forthcoming municipal year.


The proposed dates were presented at paragraph 8 of the report as:

·  Monday 14 June 2021 at 6 pm

·  Monday 6 September 2021 at 6 pm

·  Monday 29 November 2021 at 6 pm

·  Monday 28 February 2022 at 6 pm


Members raised concern regarding lack of public engagement, and requested that themed workshops be considered as soon the pandemic allows the Community Committee to do so safely.


RESOLVED – To approve the following dates for the next municipal year:

·  Monday 14 June 2021 at 6 pm

·  Monday 6 September 2021 at 6 pm

·  Monday 29 November 2021 at 6 pm

·  Monday 28 February 2022 at 6 pm


(The meeting concluded at 20:30)