Agenda and minutes

Outer West Community Committee - Wednesday, 17th February, 2021 1.00 pm

Contact: Debbie Oldham 0113 37 88656 

Link: to view the meeting

No. Item

Chairs Opening Comments

The Chair welcomed everyone to the remote meeting of the Outer West Community Committee.


The Chair explained that internet connectivity may be an issue for some participants, it was noted that the Outer West Community Committee have a Deputy Chair, which is Cllr David Blackburn who would take the Chair should the Chair lose connectivity.


The Chair proposed that if she and Cllr David Blackburn both lost connectivity that it would be appropriate to propose a third person to assume the Chair. The Chair proposed Cllr Trish Smith, this proposal was seconded and on being put to the vote the motion was passed.


Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting.)



There were no appeals against refusal of inspection of documents.


Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion Of The Press And Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


  RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:



There were no exempt items.


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)



There were no late items.


Declaration Of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest

To disclose or draw attention to any Disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code Conduct.


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.


Apologies For Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies.


Minutes - 18th January 2020 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2021, for approval as a correct record.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2021 be approved as a correct record.


Matters arising


Cllr Andrew Carter informed the Committee that in relation to Richmond House he had tabled an amendment to the Council’s Budget Meeting, which is scheduled to be held on 24th February 2021.


Open Forum / Community Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


On this occasion there was as submission from Ms Sylvia Landells on behalf of Hospital Alert.


The Chair informed the Committee that Ms Landells had at the previous meeting provided a submission to be read out in relation to Richmond House Consultation. However, Ms Landells had submitted more questions and as this was an important issue for the local area, the Chair was of the view that the submission should be read out for Members consideration. It was noted that the questions could not be answered at the meeting.


The submission from Sylvia Landells was as follows:

 "1. Why is it not possible to negotiate with the NHS to have therapeutic input at Richmond House again? This joint working of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, including one expert on splints, and a joint care manager, worked well with the care home staff?  This is needed more than ever now for those people who are stuck in care homes waiting for (re-)assessment by social workers under the Care Act and/or Mental Capacity Act and new care packages to be put together to be able to go home. I know from personal experience that this is an even lengthier wait at the moment due to Covid restrictions.


2. How many people, how long are they waiting, and how much is the Council paying for these people who are stuck in private homes waiting for re-assessment and packages of care? Couldn't this be spent on professionals for Richmond House instead?


3. I was not reassured to learn of the large number of vacancies in private care homes in west Leeds as a measure of availability of places and stability of the market. Has Adults and Health done a survey to find out how many of these care home businesses will survive the pandemic?


4. Surely it is premature to plan the closure of Richmond House before a full study is done into the acknowledged gap in the need for places for people with complex needs, including dementia and nursing care, which Cath Roff said is being trialled in the 10 pioneering places at the South Leeds Recovery Hub?"


The Committee were of the view that the questions posed by Ms Landells were important and the Chair thanked Ms Landells for raising them. The Members requested that the questions be put to the Director of Adults and Health to be answered and the information to be brought back to the Community Committee.


Outer West Community Committee - Police Team Update pdf icon PDF 469 KB

The report of Inspector Phillip Gill - Neighbourhood Police Team is to provide a verbal update to the Outer West Community Committee, relating to the Community Safety submission provided within the Update Report (Agenda Item 11).


(Report attached)


Inspector Phillip Gill of the Neighbourhood Policing Team was in attendance at the meeting for this item.


Inspector Gill provided a verbal update to the Outer West Community Committee, relating to the Community Safety submission provided within the Update Report. This included priority updates on all the areas of the Outer West Community Committee.

Inspector Gill highlighted the following points:

·  Across Outer West NPT a number of complaints had been from members of the public in relation to people breaching COVID rules and whilst they had engaged and explained the rules, they had had to issue a number of fixed penalty notices and would continue to do so throughout lockdown;

·  Halloween and Bonfire period had received some calls in relation to anti-social behaviour, however, this period had passed without any significant issues across Outer West;

·  Anti-social behaviour in and around Pudsey Bus Station and the nearby vicinity. Work has been continuing with Metro in relation to this issue.

·  Anti-social behaviour and drug dealing in Queens Park;

·  Anti-social driving and offences relating to the fatal 4;

·   Work is continuing to target the use of anti-social, off road motorcycles and quad bikes in Calverley & Ravenscliffe Woods, by working in Partnership with Bradford East NPT, Operation Steerside & Leeds Off Road Bike Team. Officers will utilise Anti-Social Behaviour & Road Traffic legislation in a zero tolerance enforcement style;

·  Work is continuing to target speeding & anti-social motorists on Bradford Road from Dawson’s Corner to Thornbury Roundabout, by conducting hi-visibility patrols of the road and the deployment of ProLaser to capture & deter offending. It was noted that these patrols are during the daytime period;

·  Hi-visibility patrols are being used to tackle residential burglaries in the Calverley and Farsley area targeting & disrupting known offenders and delivering crime prevention advice to residents;

·  Anti-social behaviour on the Whincovers/Butterbowls. An individual was charged with a number of offences and is still on court bail with a curfew which is having a positive impact in relation to Anti-Social Behaviour;

·  Anti-social behaviour and drug dealing on the Heights and drug dealing on and in the surrounding areas of Cow Close Road. There were a number of arrests in December in both Farnley and Wortley in relation to the supply of drugs;

·  St. Wilfrid’s Church subjected to Anti-social behaviour over the past few months.


Member’s discussions included:

·  The need for fixed cameras on the A647 to capture offenders who are night-time racing along this stretch of road. Members were concerned that not enough was being done to address this issue by Casualty Reduction Partnership and Highways. They were concerned that there could be serious or fatal accident if not addressed soon.

·  Members thanked the Police for their work during the past few weeks assisting with issues of flooding on the Ring Road at Wortley.

·  Members raised the issue of Tasking Meetings which been a way of gathering information on issues in the local area. These had ceased some years previously and Members were of the view that there was a need for something similar  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 350 KB

The report of Martin Farrington, Director of City Development brings to members’ attention details of the consultation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The report of Martin Farrington, Director of City Development, was to bring to members’ attention details of the consultation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy.


In attendance for this item were:

·  Finn Campbell – Team Leader, (Forward Planning)

·  Paul Foster – Transport Planning Manager


The Community Committee were provided with a presentation of slides to inform the consultation process.


Members were informed of the following points:

·  The Transport Strategy has the vision that Leeds is to be a city where you don’t need a car;

·  The objectives of the strategy are to: tackle climate change; deliver inclusive growth; and improve health;

·  The 6 big moves identified to focus on the Transport Strategy are:

o  De-carbonising transport;

o  Creating healthier streets, spaces and communities;

o  Transform the City Centre

o  Enhance public transport

o  New mobility solutions

o  Deliver a mass transit network


It was noted that during the transport consultation held in 2016, the feedback from the Outer West area was for more walking, cycling and good access to New Pudsey Station. The Committee recognised that some of the work had been undertaken through highway upgrades.


Consultation on the Transport Strategy will be open until 26th March 2021. A copy of the Transport Strategy was appended to the report to the Committee and can be found on the Leeds City Council web pages. The Committee also heard that the team are doing a number of webinars, links to these could also be found on the Council’s web pages.


Member’s discussions included:

·  Transport links in and around communities;

·  Links to public transport facilities such as New Pudsey Station;

·  Reduced payment for short multiple journeys in one day;

·  View that the outer regions of the city are being left behind in the routing of transport links;

·  More funding required for better public transport services;

·  More consultation with young people and seldom heard groups;

·  Need for other options for people to join the consultation for it to be more inclusive, not just on line;

·  Need for public transport to be reliable, frequent and travel routes that people want within their communities;

·  Requirement for up to date facts on mobility especially post Covid.


RESOLVED - To note the content of the report.


Outer West Community Committee Finance Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The report of Head of Stronger Communities provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.


(Report attached)


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.


The Community Committee were informed of the following points:

·  Paragraph 16 – set out those projects that had been passed by DDN since the last meeting on 9th November 2020;

·  Paragraph 18 – set out the Wellbeing Fund 2020-21, it was noted that that so far, a total of £106,303.04 had been allocated to Wellbeing ring-fences and projects. There is currently a remaining balance of £23,025.02 in the Wellbeing Fund. A full breakdown of the wellbeing projects was listed in Table 1. Members were advised that no Wellbeing projects had been declined and there were no projects to consider;

·  A total of £36,779.50 has been allocated to projects from the Youth Activity Fund, which were listed in Table 2. The Community Committee has a remaining balance of £6,283.94 in the Youth Activity Fund;

·  Members were advised that the following Youth Activity Fund projects would close down, with money returning to the fund:

o  Andy’s Youth Project;

o  Farnley Youth Service;

o  Youth Drama Workshops;

o  A Christmas Carol Playhouse Trips;

o  Pudsey Youth Café;

o  Outer West Activity Programme;

o  Friday Night Project;

o  Woodhall Scouts;

o  Youth Summit;

·  Money Buddies projects are to be closed and funding will be put back into the Wellbeing Fund.

·  Moravian project is ongoing and it is hoped that the project will be completed by July;

·  It was noted that 20 Years of Dazl project is running till March, although there may be an underspend;

·  Friends of Farsley Rehoboth Burial Ground provided monitoring information on their project for the completion of re-landscaping of a section of land within the Farsley Rehoboth Burial Ground, developing a memorial garden for the benefit of the attending public;

·  Members were advised of the following two small grant applications for the Pudsey ward:

o  £150 to purchase 200 sandbags to assist in the mitigation of flooding in Troydale;

o  £130 to purchase 3 time capsules to capture the events experienced in the past twelve months. Other Ward Members were of the view that this was a good idea and may consider purchasing some for their wards;

·  Paragraph 35 listed no change in the Capital Budget with Table 5 showing the capital projects which had been completed;

·  Table 6 showed the balances for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Table 7 showed the CIL projects which had been completed. Members noted that the CCTV at Claremont Grove was still to be completed and Highways had confirmed April as the completion date for Calverley & Farsley SIDs and Connections;

·  Table 8 set out the balances for Covid 19 Discretionary Fund for each ward with a  remaining balance of £8,200.00;

·  Table 9 set out the balance statements for the New Central Government Ward Based Covid Fund with a note that this funding should be spent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.


Outer West Community Committee Update Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The report of the Head of Stronger Communities to bring to members’ attention an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provides opportunities for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities presented an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provided updates on some of the key activities between Community Committee meetings and functions delegated to Community Committees, Community Champions roles, community engagement, partnership and locality working.


Members were advised that updates had been received from:

·  Cleaner Neighbourhoods Team;

·  Gulley Cleansing;

·  Community Safety – Insp, Gill of West Yorkshire Police had attended the meeting to provide a verbal update;

·  Children and Families on the Youth Summit – It was noted that the Youth Summit had again had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions. It was noted that they were trying to engage with young people to see how they would wish to spend Youth Activity Funds in the coming municipal year;

·  Health and Wellbeing and Adult Social Care;

·  Housing Team;

·  Housing Advisory Team;

·  Employment and Skills.


Appended to the report was an update on social media. It was noted that the Outer West Community Committee Facebook page had increased the total number of page followers to 1,170 and maintained its position as the 3rd most popular Community Committee Facebook page. Members were also informed that the 3 meetings webcast live on Youtube had received 834 views.


Member’s discussions included:

·  A request for Gulley cleansing to provide feedback as there was still an issue, and also it was noted that street cleaning was currently at an unacceptable level.

·  Members raised concerns that claimants of Universal Credit had gone up and that employment should be a top priority;


Members requested that a meeting of the Environmental Sub Group be arranged.


RESOLVED - To note the content of the report.


Ring-fences - Financial Year 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 773 KB

The report of the Head of Stronger Communities presents to the Outer West Community Committee applications received for the upcoming financial year 2021/22 that are able to commence at the start of the new financial year (April 1st 2021).  The report also provides the Outer West Community Committee with a list of projects that the Committee approves on a yearly basis, for recommendation to ring-fence for the upcoming financial year 2021/22.


(Report attached)


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities presented to the Outer West Community Committee applications received for the upcoming financial year 2021/22 that are able to commence at the start of the new financial year (April 1st 2021). The report also provided the Outer West Community Committee with a list of projects that the Committee approves on a yearly basis, for recommendation to ring-fence for the upcoming financial year 2021


Table 1 of the report provided the Committee with a list of Wellbeing applications for the financial year 2021/22 that had been received, that are able to commence activities from 1st April 2021. The Committee were asked to consider each application. Applications were for:

·  Calverley Bloom

·  Farsley in Bloom

·  New Farnley in Bloom

·  Pudsey in Bloom


It was noted that Cllr. Andrew Carter is Chair of the Calverley in Bloom. Therefore, he took no part in the consideration of this application.


Table 2 provided the Committee with a list of Wellbeing projects that reoccur each year and are traditionally funded by the Committee. The Committee were asked to consider each of the projects with the proposal to ring-fence funding for the upcoming financial year 2021/22, these included:

·  Small Grants and Skips

·  Community Engagement

·  Outer West CCTV

·  Calverley Christmas Lights

·  Farsley Christmas Lights

·  Pudsey Christmas Lights

·  Rodley Christmas Lights

·  Pudsey Carnival

·  Site Based Gardener


Table 3 provided the Committee with a list of Youth Activity Fund Projects that reoccur each year, and are traditionally funded by the Committee. The Committee is asked to consider each of the projects with the proposal to ring-fence funding for the upcoming financial year 2021/22, these included:

·  Youth Summit

·  DAZL Outer West Programme

·  Andy’s Youth Project

·  Farnley Youth Club Project

·  Pudsey Youth Café

·  Farnley Football Project

·  Farsley Festival

·  Breeze Friday Night Project


Member’s comments included:

·  The events that had taken place over the last Christmas had been well received with the community sing along, Calverley Elf Hunt, and it was the view that the Christmas Lights had boosted morale during a difficult time for all.

·  The small district centres need an input as they had suffered during the pandemic and would need to be revitalised with a number of events throughout the coming year.

·  Members raised concerns that the Outer West missed out on funding for numerous events, with funding going to the South and East of the city.

·  Members were advised that 3% had been built on to costs to allow for any increases.


It was noted that an application had been sent to New Farnley Cricket Club in relation to Christmas lights, but no reply had been received.


During the summer due to Covid restrictions some projects had not been able to take place, therefore, extra summer outdoor sports sessions had been arranged with the Youth Service. Members proposed that should the restrictions continue but allow outdoor activities, it would be good to ask the Youth Service to provide more outdoor activities at Easter, and going through the Summer. It was suggested that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Dates and Times Report pdf icon PDF 456 KB

The report of the City Solicitor requests Members to give consideration to agreeing the proposed Community Committee meeting schedule for the 2021/2022 municipal year.


(Report attached)


The report of the City Solicitor requested Members to give consideration to agreeing the proposed Community Committee meeting schedule for the 2021/2022 municipal year.


Members were advised that the Procedure Rules state that there shall be at least four ordinary or ‘business’ meetings of each Community Committee in each municipal year and that a schedule of meetings will be approved by each Community Committee. The report seeks to schedule 4 Community Committee business meetings for 2021/22, in line with previous practice. The proposed schedule has been compiled with a view to ensuring an even spread of Committee meetings throughout the forthcoming municipal year.


The proposed dates were presented at paragraph 8 of the report as:

· Wednesday 7th July 2021 at 1pm

· Monday 6th September 2021 at 1pm

· Monday 8th November 2021 at 1pm

· Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 1pm


Members raised concerns that the first meeting was not until July. Therefore, Members requested that a date be found in June.


The clerk was asked to check for an appropriate date in consultation with the Chair and the Vice Chair, and share agreed date with the Committee Members.


RESOLVED – To approve the following dates for the next municipal year:

·  Monday 6th September 2021 at 1pm

·  Monday 8th November 2021 at 1pm

·  Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 1pm




Any other business


There was no other business to discuss.


The meeting concluded at 15:45