Agenda and minutes

Outer West Community Committee - Monday, 16th September, 2019 1.00 pm

Venue: Pudsey Civic Hall Dawsons Corner, Pudsey LS28 5TA

Contact: Debbie Oldham 0113 37 88656 

No. Item


Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting.)



There were no appeals against refusal of inspection of documents.



Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion Of The Press And Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


  RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:



There were no exempt items.


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)



There were no formal late items. However there was supplementary information in relation to Agenda Item 11 – Finance Report. This information was circulated to all Members prior to the meeting.


Declaration Of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest

To disclose or draw attention to any Disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code Conduct.


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made.


Apologies For Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence.


Open Forum / Community Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


In accordance with Paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allocated a period of 3 minutes for a member of the public to address the Community Committee.


Mr Richard Warren explained to the Committee that he promotes events across Leeds especially in Farsley, promoting health and wellbeing and improving the area. Mr Warren informed the Members of some of the events that he is involved in as follows:

·  Farsley Festival

·  Farsley Flyers – Running Club

·  City Connect Cycling

·  Wellington Pacers


Mr Warren told the Community Committee that his background was in I.T but he now promotes health living. He himself has lost weight and now lives a healthy lifestyle and he wanted to show the benefits of healthy living to all.  


Mr Warren said that he wants to get more children involved with activities, and the way that this can happen is by getting parents active and children then follow by example.


Mr Warren also informed the Community Committee that he volunteers to improve the look of the area and is active at Hainsworth Park and a member of the Friends of Farsley Rehoboth Burial Ground.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 549 KB

To approve the minutes of the Outer West Community Committee meeting held on 17th July 2019.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 17th July 2019 be approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising

To report any matters arising from the previous minutes.


There were no matters arising.


Climate Emergency and Air Quality pdf icon PDF 441 KB

To receive the report of the Chief Officer Sustainable Energy and Air Quality which provides an overview of the presentation that will be given to the Community Committee, to provide background on the Climate Emergency and on-going work on air quality.


(Report attached)


The Community Committee received a presentation which provided background on the Climate Emergency and on-going work on air quality.


Members were informed of the following points:

·  In March 2019 the Council declared a Climate Emergency with the target to work towards net zero by 2030 for the whole city;

·  As part of the climate emergency the Council has committed to undertake a city conversation to include residents, public sector, businesses and the third sector;

·  The team have attended events such as Breeze, Pride and Chapeltown Carnival, these events have been used to engage with communities;

·  The team had attended the Outer West breeze event and it was noted that there had been a 7% response rate to the questionnaire from this area;

·  Alongside climate change the Council is also focusing on increasing biodiversity across the city with planting schemes, and a more relaxed approach to mowing to encourage nature;

·  Introduction of the Clean Air Zone to improve the air quality through a number of measures including scoot to school scheme, anti-idling campaign, roll out of charge points, changes in the council fleet vehicles to a more green fleet. It was noted that the Council currently have 100 electric vehicles with this increasing over the next 12 months ;

·  The campaign is working with the World Wildlife Fund to see how the carbon footprint of Leeds compares with other cities;

·  The campaign looks to focus on biodiversity, food what we eat and where it comes from, making homes more energy efficient, reducing food waste, and recycling, reusing and repairing;

·  Promotion of traffic free days.


The Committee Community discussed the following points:

·  Changing behaviours to reduce food waste, recycling, travel and food choices;

·  Health benefits associated with different choices to eating and travel;

·  Anti-idling in areas of the outer west particularly of buses, taxis, ice cream vans and parents dropping off or picking up outside schools;

·  Need for clearer messages for businesses in relation to clean air zone;

·  The need to be planting trees now during the growing season which is from October to December;

·  How to increase potential for solar panels and electric charging points;

·  Need for all departments to network with partners and joint working;

·  Outer West proximity to Bradford and cross council working;

·  Street play and traffic free days



·  Receive the presentation and to offer any feedback;

·  Provide feedback on the best way to engage with the local community, including potential to link to the youth summit;

·  Highlight any locations in the area where there is scope to increase biodiversity;

·  Highlight any areas where idling is an issue and where the promotional banners could be used to best effect;

·  Identify any schools that may be interested in hosting car free days;

·  Identify any areas that may be interested in participating in a rolling programme of car free days in 2020.


Cllr. Andrew Carter joined the meeting at 13:22 during this item.


Get Set Leeds pdf icon PDF 434 KB

The report of the Director of Public Health provides the Community Committee with an update on the progress made in relation to ‘Making Leeds a More Active City’.


(Report attached)


The report of the Director of Public Health updated the Community Committee on the progress made in relation to ‘Making Leeds a more active city’.


The report also provided an overview of ‘Get Set Leeds’ and the promotion of the city wide conversation. Members received a presentation and were informed of the following points:

·  The aim of the Council is to make Leeds the most active city in the UK;

·  The ‘Get Set Leeds’ agenda links into the Climate Emergency agenda promoting healthy eating and exercise through schemes such as Park and Stride;

·  Engaging families is key to the success of this agenda looking at a whole lives approach;

·  The need for more green spaces throughout the city centre as well as in outer areas;

·  The promotion of large sporting events in the city such as the Triathlon and Tour De Yorkshire;

·  To change behaviours to activity and eating to reduce diabetes, cancers, cardio vascular disease, and promote physical and mental benefits and improve life during old age;

·  Research has found that 23% of people in Leeds don’t move for 30 minutes a day;

·  Diabetes although not high in the Outer West is increasing across the city;

·  GP’s can now write prescription for physical activity;

·  Activities don’t need to cost or have specialist equipment and can include gardening, ironing, house work, walking, anything that gets the body moving.


Discussions at the Community Committee included the following points:

·  Pudsey parks now have improved walking and cycling tracks with measured miles and are fully accessible to all. There are also community orchards to promote health eating. The Ward Members requested assistance in the launch of this;

·  Connection between mental health and physical activity;

·  Safe well light green space for people to use;

·  Cross directorate working such as the Community Hubs hosting activities such as table tennis and zumba sessions;

·  Need for highways to clear public rights of ways, if they were clean and tidy it would promote their use encouraging people to walk or cycle;

·  Leeds has a good strategy for cycling however need a better strategy for those who walk. It was noted that a walking group are currently looking at this issue;



·  Note the content of the report;

·  Champion the ‘Get Set Leeds’ conversation and the completion of the online survey:;

·  Spread the word across networks and communities encouraging people to join the conversation;

·  Share social media posts and links to promotional video and online survey.






Finance Report pdf icon PDF 451 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Stronger Communities which provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2019/2020.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities presented the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy for 2019/20.


Members’ attention was drawn to the following points of the report:

·  Table 1 which showed the Wellbeing revenue spend and balance;

·  Point 21 – showed 1 project which had been declined since the last meeting;

·  Points 22 -26 provided monitoring information;

·  Table 2 presented the Youth Activity Fund those projects supported and the remaining balance;

·  Table 3 and 4 showed the small grants which had been supported and the community skips provided;

·  Point 31 provided the remaining balance of the Capital Budget for 2019/20;

·  Table 5 set out the projects funded by Community Infrastructure Levy and the remaining balance.


Members considered the following projects and amounts:

·  Point 20 of submitted report – Project Drugs: The Truth requesting £10,000;

·  Supplementary information  - Provision of secure container at Farsley Rehoboth Burial Ground - £1,200

·  Supplementary Information – Small Grant Sport and Active Lifestyles Fair - £250;

·  12 month supply of sanitary products to support Period Poverty based at the Community Hubs - £1,500.


Members discussed:

·  The use, movement and storage of the parking signs to be used outside the local schools;

·  Outstanding Speed Indication Devices (SID’s)

·  Tree planting in the Outer West area


RESOLVED – To note:

a)  The wellbeing budget position

b)  Wellbeing proposals, however rejected the proposal for funding for ‘Drugs: The Truth’;

c)  Monitoring information of its funded projects;

d)  The Youth Activity Fund position;

e)  The Small Grants Budget;

f)  The Community Skips Budget;

g)  The Community Infrastructure Levy budget

h)  And approved £1,200 for the Provision of secure container at Farsley Rehoboth Burial Ground;

i)  And approved £1,500 to support Period Poverty;

j)  And approve in principal £250 for Sport and Active Lifestyles Fair



Update Report pdf icon PDF 474 KB

To receive the report of the Head of Stronger Communities which brings to Members attention an update of the work which the Communities Team is in engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provides opportunity for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


Members received the report of the Head of Stronger Communities which provided the Committee with an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provided opportunity for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


Members were advised that it had been agreed a member of the Outer West Community Committee be appointed to the Armley Local Care Partnership (LCP) which covers Farnley and Wortley Ward. Councillor Ann Blackburn was nominated and voted to be appointed to the Armley LCP.


The Community Committee noted that Cllr Forsaith would cover the full remit of the appointment to the Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Champion.


Cllr. Carlill provided the Committee with an update on the arrangements for the Youth Summit which is due to be held on the 2nd October 2019, in the Banqueting Suite of Leeds Civic Hall.


It was noted that 42 children had confirmed their attendance from across the following schools:

·  Ryecroft Academy

·  Dixon Unity Academy

·  Park Spring Primary

·  Pudsey Southroyd

·  Greenside

·  Parkside

·  Farsley Farfield

·  Westroyd


RESOLVED – To note the content of the report.



Cllr. Harrison left the meeting at 3:15pm during this item.


Forward Plan 2019/2020 pdf icon PDF 334 KB

To receive the report of the Head of Stronger Communities which details the Community Committee meeting dates and sets out workshop themes, as well as providing an update on engagement with local communities.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provided the Outer West Community Committee with an update on the workshops and engagement from the Communities Team for 2019/20.


Members discussed future items to be included on the next agenda for the Community Committee, with suggestions that reports would be welcome from Refuse, Police and Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT).


RESOLVED – To note the content of the report.


Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting of the Outer West Community Committee will be on Monday 4th November 2019 at 1.00pm venue to be confirmed.


The next meeting of the Outer West Community Committee will be on Monday 4th November 2019, at 1pm in Pudsey Civic Hall, Dawsons Corner, LS28 5TA.