Contact: Andy Booth 0113 247 4325
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No. | Item |
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)
(In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Hea of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting) Minutes: There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: There was no exempt information.
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Minutes: There were no late items. Supplementary information was submitted with regard to Agenda Item 11, Outer South Community Committee Finance Report along with an appendix to Agenda Item 12, Outer South Community Committee Update report (social media update) which was omitted from the agenda in error.
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Hutchison declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 11, Outer South Community Committee Finance Report as there were funding applications for Morley Arts Festival and Morley Town Centre Management. Both these applications were connected with the employment of Councillor Hutchison’s partner. Councillor Hutchison left the meeting during the consideration and voting on these applications.
Councillor Elliott declared an interest in Agenda Item 11, Outer South Community Committee Finance Report as she was a Board Member of Morley Elderly Action.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor B Garner.
Open Forum In accordance with Paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair. Minutes: There had not been any submissions for the Open Forum.
Minutes - 23 November 2020 PDF 257 KB To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2020 Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2020 be confirmed as a correct record.
Outer South Community Committee - Care Delivery Consultation Proposal PDF 474 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Direct of Adults and Health Minutes: The report of the Director of Adults & Health provided information abo0ut the consultation on the proposed closure of Home Lea House Long Stay Residential Care Home and Richmond House Short Stay Residential Care Home.
The following were in attendance for this item:
- Councillor Fiona Venner – Executive Member - Cath Roff – Director, Adults & Health
The following was highlighted:
· The proposals had arisen as part of the need to address the Council’s budget deficit. · The demand for residential care had fallen and there was an increase in demand for extra care housing and for care to be provided at home. · The proposals would lead to a change into how and where some people will receive care. · Other residential provision in the area. · The outcome of the consultation would be brought to the June meeting of the Executive Board. · There would be a dedicated team to manage arrangements for any affected customers and there would be a care guarantee so nobody affected would be paying any more for their care.
In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:
· Demand for residential care had been falling for a number of years and this had accelerated during the pandemic. · Forecasting of care demand for Rothwell showed there was an oversupply of places for residential care. · Holme Lea was chosen over Dolphin Manor following a survey of stock condition. · It was not proposed to close any other homes. · The consultation remained open until the end of March.
RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.
Outer South Community Committee - National Census 2021 PDF 325 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Stronger Communities informed the Committee of an update to be provided on the National Census 2021 and to encourage completion by residents in the Outer East Community Committee area.
The Chair welcomed Scott Martin of the National Census to address the committee. The following was highlighted:
· Focus on hard to reach groups or groups who had previously been difficult to engage with. · Partnership work with the Council and other community groups to work with these groups. · There had been some success in working with these groups and it was wanted to work with some of the networks with Local Councillors to improve response rates. · Tackling barriers to people responding – e.g. fear of data breach · Assisting people to fill the census in digitally – support for people with disabilities and for different languages.
In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:
· Some concern for people who were unable to do a digital completion of the census – there were alternative methods and attention was brought to the census helpline. · It was possible to complete the census information before the due date.
RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.
To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of City Development.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of City Development brought Members attention to details of the consultation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy.
The Chair welcomed Paul Foster, Transport Planning Manager and Finn Campbell, Team Leader (Forward Planning) to the meeting for this item.
The Committee received a presentation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy. The following was highlighted:
· The draft strategy had been considered at Executive Board in December 2020 before going out to consultation. · The strategy vision was for a city where nobody needed a car and everyone had an affordable, accessible and zero carbon choice for travel. · There were three main aims to the strategy: o Tackling Climate Change o Delivering Inclusive Growth o Improving Health & Wellbeing · Targets for the types of travel which would reduce the use of individual vehicles. · Targets to reduce the numbers of people killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents. · The need to reduce C02 emissions. · The six big moves: o De-carbonising transport o Creating healthier streets, spaces and communities o Transforming the city centre o Enhancing public transport o New mobility solutions o Delivery of a mass transit network · Key feedback for Outer South from the 2016 Transport Conversation
In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:
· Joint working with bus operators can produce positive results. Franchising of bus services would be an option with devolution arrangements. · Capacity for providing charging for electric vehicles. · Disabled access – this was covered within the strategy. · Connectivity between towns and villages. · Cycle links for the outer areas.
RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted. |
Outer South Community Committee - Finance Report PDF 1 MB To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities.
Minutes: The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget and the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.
Kimberly Frangos, Localities Officer presented the report.
The following was highlighted:
· Revenue allocated to date. Total spend was £124,450 leaving a remaining balance of £39,325.85. · Projects for consideration: o Outer South Garden Maintenance Service – Morley Elderly Action - £29,880 was requested. Members were supportive of this application. Information was requested as to the level of provision in each ward. o Morley Arts Festival - £15,000 was requested. It was requested that the application be deferred for further information. o Morley Town Centre Management - £15,000 was requested. Members were supportive of this application. o Two defibrillators for Morley South - £1,500 was requested from Morley South Capital Budget. Members were supportive of this application. o Leeds Little Free Library - £400 was requested from Morley South Capital Budget. Members were supportive of this application · Wellbeing Covid Funds – There was a remaining balance of £9,084.90. · National Covid Funds – There was a remaining balance of £20,083.48 · Projects that had been agreed by Delegated Decision since the last meeting. · Updates on projects funded by the Community Committee. · £35,868.40 had been allocated from the Youth Activities Fund for 2020/21 leaving a remaining balance of £22,815.04 · There was £4,050 remaining in the Small Grants Budget. · There was £941.78 remaining in the Community Skips Budget. · There was £58,847.94 remaining in the Capital Budget. · There was £123,916.17 remaining in the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget. · A query was raised with regards to a changes in how funds were made available to Ward Members following the sale of council owned land within their Wards. Previously Ward Members were able to spend 20%. It had now been informed that this would be 15% with a further 5% to be decided by the relevant Community Committee. It was further informed that the 5% that was available was to be shared out across the Community Committee and not specific to the ward in which it was generated. Reference was made to the principle established by the Community Committee that any Community Infrastructure Levy monies allocated should be spent in the ward in which they were generated. The Chair agreed to raise this at the next meeting of the Area Chairs Forum.
(1) That details of the Wellbeing Budget position be noted. (2) That details of the Wellbeing Covid 19 Budget position be noted. (3) That details of the National Covid 19 Budget position be noted. (4) That the following Wellbeing proposals be determined as follows: o Outer South Garden Maintenance Service - £29,880 – Approved o Morley Arts Festival - £15,000 – Deferred o Morley Town Centre Management - £15,000 – Approved o Two Defibrillators for Morley South - £1,500 – Approved o Leeds Little Free Library - £400 – Approved (5) That details of the projects approved by delegated decision ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Outer South Community Committee - Update Report PDF 747 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities Minutes: The report of the Head of Stronger Communities brought Members attention to an update of work which the Communities Team is engaged in based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provided opportunity for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.
Kimberly Frangos, Localities Officer presented the report.
The following was discussed:
· Children’s and Families Sub Group had met in February. It had not been able to hold the Youth Summit but an online survey had been undertaken to get young people’s views. · Environment – Attention was brought to the Cleaner Neighbourhoods Report and thanks were expressed to the Cleaner Neighbourhoods Team and volunteers who had contributed. Whilst tree planting in the area had been welcomed, concern was expressed that Network Rail had been involved in substantial tree felling along routes within the area without a policy for replacement. It was proposed that the Chair contact Network Rail with the Committee’s concerns. · Community Safety – safety briefs for all four wards were outlined in the report along with updates from West Yorkshire Police and the Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team. Further discussion included the withdrawal of funding for PCSOs. Thanks were expressed to West Yorkshire Police for services within the Ardsley & Robin Hood ward. · Employment & Skills – The impact of the pandemic had seen an uptake in the number of Universal Credit claimants. · Health & Wellbeing – The Older Peoples Sub Group had met. This had been attended by West Yorkshire Police and the Neighbourhood Networks. · Community Centres Sub Group – All centres remained closed for public use. The last scheduled meeting of the sub-group had been cancelled. The Committee was informed of works at Morley Town Hall. Funding was being pursued for internal improvements to Blackburn Hall. · Community hubs and libraries update – provision for resuming services.
It was reported that this would be Councillor Dawson’s final meeting of the Community Committee. Members thanked him for his hard work for the Morley South ward and the wider Outer South area as Chair of the Community Committee. Particular tribute was paid to Councillor Dawson’s return from serious illness and his dedication to his role as a Councillor. Members wished him a long and happy retirement.
Councillor Dawson thanked Members for their comments.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Dates, Times and Venues of Community Committee Meetings 2021/2022 PDF 448 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the City Solicitor Minutes: The report of the City Solicitor asked Members to consider the proposed Community Committee meeting schedule for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.
The following dates were proposed:
· Monday, 21 June 2021 · Monday, 27 September 2021 · Monday, 22 November 2021 · Monday, 14 March 2022
All meetings to commence at 4.00 p.m.
RESOLVED – That the Outer South Community Committee meets at 4.00 p.m. on the following dates in the 2021/22 Municipal Year:
· Monday, 21 June 2021 · Monday, 27 September 2021 · Monday, 22 November 2021 · Monday, 14 March 2022
Meeting venues to continue to be arranged on a meeting by meeting basis. |