Agenda and minutes

Outer East Community Committee - Tuesday, 9th March, 2021 4.00 pm

Contact: Andy Booth 0113 37 88665 


No. Item


Appeals against refusal of inspection of documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting).

Additional documents:


There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.




Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


 RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-

Additional documents:


There was no exempt information.




Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(the special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)

Additional documents:


The Chair allowed the following late item to the Agenda:


·  National Census 2021



Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations.




Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.

Additional documents:


Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.

Additional documents:


In order to facilitate the Open Forum whilst Community Committee meetings were being held remotely, the process had been adapted so that members of the public were able to submit written representations in advance of the meeting on any matter which fell within the Committee’s terms of reference.


The following submission had been made from Crossgates residents:


Serious attack in Crossgates Saturday 27th February 2021

There is widespread concern in our community about the recent escalation in antisocial behaviour by groups of young men that resulted in the serious attack that took place in Manston Gardens on Saturday 27th February. Following the independently organised community meeting in January 2020 to discuss antisocial behaviour in our area there were hopes that the situation would gradually improve. These hopes were not met.  Please do not underestimate the strength of feeling on these issues.  We note from the minutes of the Dec 8th Outer East Community Committee that Crossgates was the only one of the four wards in which antisocial behaviour concerns were minuted.  There seemed to be no related action points for Crossgates. However there was mention that Temple Newsam ward were “looking to recruit a group of young people to engage in the Violence Reduction Unit Programme”.


We request the following:


1. A report on the promised additional police officers to be recruited in Leeds Outer East and resulting impact on police capacity and resources.

2. A summary of 2021 statistics on reports of numbers and types of antisocial behaviour incidents by ward.

3. An explanation of what new measures are being taken to address the escalation of antisocial behaviour, arson and violence in Crossgates, including your Violence Reduction Unit Programme.

4. Involvement of local people in sharing and discussing ideas and suggestions of measures with a carry over of our ward’s underspend on the Wellbeing budget to implement them.

5. Your plan for reinstating Community Forum meetings for the remainder of 2021.


The following were invited to respond:


-  Paul Money – Chief Officer, Safer Leeds

-  Heather Ashby – Anti-Social Behaviour Team Manager

-  Inspector Jodie Scatcherd – West Yorkshire Police

-  Kris Nenadic – Parks Operations Manager

-  Deeta Tren-Humphries – Youth Service


The following was highlighted:


·  Local activity with Police and the Anti-Social Behaviour Team.

·  There was a live investigation into the incident on 27th February and the police were actively pursuing lines of inquiry.

·  Neighbourhood Policing Team arrangements for the area.

·  The area had actually seen a decline in Anti-Social Behaviour.

·  Breaking up groups under regulations relating to the Covid pandemic.

·  Targeting of hotspot areas.

·  Youth Service involvement.

·  The need to be evidence led before deploying resources.

·  The need to work with Members and communities to get a better understanding of local issues.

·  The process and legislative issues relating to CCTV provision in Parks.

·  Problems with people from outside the area travelling in and being involved in crime or anti-social behaviour.


Members thanked all those involved in tackling the problems relating to anti-social  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Minutes - 8 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 340 KB

To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2020


Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2020 be confirmed as a correct record.




The National Census 2021 pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities informed the Committee of an update to be provided on the National Census 2021 and to encourage completion by residents in the Outer East Community Committee area.


The Chair welcomed Scott Martin of the National Census to address the committee.  The following was highlighted:


·  Focus on hard to reach groups or groups wo had previously been difficult to engage with.

·  Partnership work with the Council and other community groups to work with these groups.

·  There had been some success in working with these groups and it was wanted to work with some of the networks with Local Councillors to improve response rates.

·  Tackling barriers to people responding – e.g. fear of data breach

·  Assisting people to fill the census in digitally – support for people with disabilities and for different languages.


It was suggested that contact could be made with Neighbourhood Networks and Tenant Engagement groups to assist with contacting some of the harder to reach groups and provide support in completing the Cenusus.


RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.




Outer East Community Committee – Draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy – Consultation pdf icon PDF 351 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of City Development


Additional documents:


The report of the Director of City Development brought Members attention to details of the consultation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy.


The Chair welcomed Paul Foster, Transport Planning Manager and Finn Campbell, Team Leader (Forward Planning) to the meeting for this item.


The Committee received a presentation on the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy.  The following was highlighted:


·  The draft strategy had been considered at Executive Board in December 2020 before going out to consultation.

·  The strategy vision was for a city where nobody needed a car and everyone had an affordable, accessible and zero carbon choice for travel.

·  There were three main aims to the strategy:

o  Tackling Climate Change

o  Delivering Inclusive Growth

o  Improving Health & Wellbeing

·  Targets for the types of travel which would reduce the use of individual vehicles.

·  Targets to reduce the numbers of people killed or seriously injuted in traffic accidents.

·  The need to reduce C02 emissions.

·  The six big moves:

o  De-carbonising transport

o  Creating healthier streets, spaces and communities

o  Transforming the city centre

o  Enhancing public transport

o  New mobility solutions

o  Delivery of a mass transit network

·  Key feedback for Outer East from the 2016 Transport Conversation


RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted.




Outer East Community Committee - Finance Report pdf icon PDF 622 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities


Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities presented the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.


Bali Birdi, Senior Localities Officer presented the report.


Issues highlighted included the following:


·  The Wellbeing Revenue budget for 2020/21.  £38,486.37 remained and a ward by ward breakdown was given.

·  Projects for consideration:

o  Additional resource for Outer East Area, Parks & Countryside (Garforth & Swillington) – it was requested that this be deferred so further information could be provided to Ward Member

o  Primrose Park Temporary CCTV, Leeds Watch - £2,088 was requested.  This application was supported.

·  Projects approved by Delegated Decision since the last meeting– Springs Retail Park Operation - £4,566.64.

·  Projects declined.

·  Youth Activities Fund position. Remaining balance was £35,400.38.  A ward by ward breakdown was given.

·  Small Grants Budget. Remaining Balance was £4,000.

·  Community Skips Budget.  Remaining balance was £1,622.70

·  Tasking Budget.  Remaining balance was £2,500.

·  Capital Budget.  Remaining balance was £89,274.00.  A ward by ward breakdown was given.

·  Community Infrastructure Levy Budget.  Remaining balance was £205,697.35  A ward by ward breakdown was given.

·  Covid 19 Discretionary Fund.  Remaining balance was £14,200.  A ward by ward breakdown was given.

·  Covid Tier 3 Fund – there was £1,000 remaining to be spent in the Temple Newsam Ward.  It was understood there were plans for this to be allocated.




(1)  That details of the Wellbeing Budget position be noted.

(2)  That the following projects be considered:

o  Additional resource for Outer East Area, Parks & Countryside (Garforth & Swillington) –deferred so further information could be provided to Ward Members

o  Primrose Park Temporary CCTV, Leeds Watch - £2,088 was requested - approved

(3)  That details of project approved via Delegated Decision be noted.

(4)  That details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position be noted.

(5)  That details of the Small Grants Budget be noted.

(6)  That details of the Skips Budget be noted.

(7)  That details of the Tasking Budget be noted.

(8)  That details of the Capital Budget be noted.

(9)  That details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget be noted.

(10)  That details of £10k Covid 19 Discretionary Fund be noted.

(11)  That details of £10k Covid Tier 3 Fund be noted.




Outer East Community Committee - Update Report pdf icon PDF 758 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities brought Members’ attention to an update of the work which the Communities Team was engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee.  It also provided opportunity for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


Bali Birdi, Localities Officer presented the report.


The following was discussed:


·  Children and Families – Due to the closure of schools, the Youth Summit had not been held.  Engagement was still taking place with young people and they were encouraged to participate in an online survey.  Thanks were expressed to those who participated in the Christmas treats scheme for young people.

·  LASBAT Update – Crossgates & Whinmoor – work was ongoing to reduce further problems in the area.  There were no new concerns in Gartforth & Swillington or Kippax & Methley.  There had been some temporary CCTV in Primrose Park, Temple Newsam.

·  Housing – Voids and lettings – there were still some challenges due to the lockdowns.  There were challenges with income collection although there had not been a significant impact on arrears.  Phone contact with residents had been made in place of Annual Home Visits.  Housing Advisory Panel projects and funding.

·  Youth Service – Members were made aware of plans to resume youth activities in the area.


RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.




Dates, Times and Venues of Community Committee Meetings 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 456 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the City Solicitor


Additional documents:


The report of the City Solicitor asked Members to consider the proposed Community Committee meeting schedule for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.


The following dates were proposed:


·  Tuesday, 29 June 2021

·  Tuesday, 28 September 2021

·  Tuesday, 7 December 2021

·  Tuesday, 8 March 2022


All meetings to commence at 4.00 p.m.


Members were also asked to consider whether they wished to consider any revisions to the meeting schedule and venue arrangements.


RESOLVED – That the Outer East Community Committee meets at 4.00 p.m. on the following dates in the 2021/22 Municipal Year:


·  Tuesday, 29 June 2021

·  Tuesday, 28 September 2021

·  Tuesday, 7 December 2021

·  Tuesday, 8 March 2022


Meeting venues to continue to be arranged on a meeting by meeting basis.




Closing remarks

Additional documents:


Members expressed thanks to Councillor Peter Gruen who was attending his last meeting of the Community Committee and wished him well for the future.