Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Wednesday, 17th November, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Governance Services 

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item


Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED –  That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt  on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.





There was no information contained within the agenda which was designated as being exempt from publication.



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


There were no late items of business considered by the Board.


Declaration of Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’.


There were no interests declared at the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 235 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20th October 2021.




RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th October 2021 be approved as a correct record.



Youth Justice Plan 2021 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 196 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families presenting the Leeds Youth Justice Plan for the period 2021 – 2024, with a recommendation that the Board refers the Plan to full Council for approval and formal adoption in line with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules. 

Additional documents:


The Director of Children and Families submitted a report presenting the proposed Leeds Youth Justice Plan for the period 2021 – 2024 following the related consultation exercise which had been undertaken, with a recommendation that the Board referred the Plan to full Council for approval and formal adoption in line with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.


The Executive Member introduced the report and in doing so highlighted the priorities set out in the plan, together with the range of cross-directorate and partnership work taking place to deliver such priorities. Also, it was noted that further information from Government was awaited regarding the extent to which any potential additional funding could be accessed to support work in this area following the recent Spending Review.


Responding to a specific enquiry regarding the preventative work in place to support those young people who may be deemed at higher risk of becoming involved in the justice system, the Board received information on the partnership approach being taken in this area, with an offer that further detail / a briefing could be provided to the Member in question, if required.


The Board acknowledged the priorities set out within the Plan which included the provision of support for those communities and cohorts which were disproportionately represented in the overall statistics of those involved in the youth justice system. In response to a Member’s specific question, details were provided on the actions being taken to support other communities and cohorts in Leeds where involvement in the justice system was prevalent. 


Also, the Board received information on the expected timeframe regarding future review and inspection of the service by H.M. Inspectorate of Probation. 



(a)  That the Leeds Youth Justice Plan 2021 – 24, as appended to the submitted report, be endorsed, and that agreement be given to refer the Plan to full Council in January 2022 for the purposes of approval and formal adoption, as part of the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework;


(b)  That the preferred approach, which is for the Board to endorse the Youth Justice Plan on a 3-year cycle and refer to full Council for approval and formal adoption, be approved;


(c)  That it be noted that the responsible officers for the implementation of such matters are the Service Manager, Leeds Youth Justice Service and the Head of Service, Children Looked After.


(The matters referred to within this minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)



Learning Places Programme Update Report and Authority to Spend for the expansion proposals at Allerton High School and Boston Spa St. Edwards pdf icon PDF 260 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of Children and Families and the Director of City Development which provides an update on the delivery of the Learning Places programme and which seeks approval to spend on previously approved expansion works to Allerton High School and Boston Spa St. Edward’s.


Additional documents:


The Director of Children and Families and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report which provided an update on the delivery of the Learning Places programme and which sought approval to spend on previously approved expansion works to Allerton High School and Boston Spa St. Edward’s.


A Member enquired about the levels of charges that had been incurred by the Local Authority arising from PFI schools in Leeds where a Deed of Variation had been obtained, together with information on the related value for money exercises undertaken as part of such processes. In response, officers undertook to provide the relevant details to the Member in question. 


With regard to Special Educational Needs and the circumstances regarding the growth in the number of places required for children and young people with Education and Health Care Plans (ECHP), the Board considered the current position, and responding to a specific enquiry regarding the provision of such places and the processes and timescales by which funding for them was received, the Executive Member invited Board Members to make him aware of any specific cases, so that they could then be investigated.



(a)  That the progress made to date with the delivery of the Learning Places Programme, be noted; and that the progress being made regarding current schemes in development, the delivery across primary, secondary and SEN provision, together with the forward programme, also be noted;


(b)  That the progress made regarding the Planned Maintenance Programme delivery, together with the changes made to the governance processes in order to support the programme, be noted;


(c)  That the challenges and issues being experienced across the programme, be noted, together with the mitigation measures in place;


(d)  That the request for the ‘Authority to Spend’ £7.3m for the expansion of Allerton High School and £1.1m for the expansion of Boston Spa St. Edward’s, be approved;


(e)  That the reduction of the Risk Fund Allocation from £7.1m to £6.5m, albeit at a rate slightly higher than the 10% of the value of planned schemes, which is in response to current market conditions, be approved.



Streets for People - The Recreations, Holbeck pdf icon PDF 330 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development on The ‘Streets for People’ Initiative, part of the West Yorkshire Transport Strategy which aims to create high quality places for people, improve physical activity and air quality. The ‘Streets for People’ initiative invites each district to develop a demonstration project, to facilitate meeting the strategy’s ambitions, with this report proposing The Recreations area of Holbeck.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the ‘Streets for People’ initiative, part of the West Yorkshire Transport Strategy which aimed to create high quality places for people, improve physical activity and air quality. As part of the ‘Streets for People’ initiative the report noted that each West Yorkshire Authority had been invited to develop a demonstration project to facilitate meeting the strategy’s ambitions. The submitted report proposed The Recreations area of Holbeck and detailed the reasons for this proposal.


Responding to a Member’s specific enquiry regarding the consultation which had been undertaken with local residents, further details were provided. Whilst assurance was given that the consultation with residents to date had been extensive and would be ongoing, it was undertaken that further information on the scope and form of the consultation, together with detail on the level of responses received would be provided to the Member in question.


The Board discussed the objectives of the initiative and in acknowledging a Member’s comments around how the initiative could potentially be used to encourage more stability in this community, it was undertaken that this could be incorporated into the ongoing evaluation of the initiative and taken into consideration when measuring its success.


With regard to the levels of additional green space which could potentially be provided by the scheme, the Board acknowledged the green space already in and around this area and the physical constraints which would need to be considered when looking to increase it. However, the importance of looking to maximise greenspace as part of the initiative was highlighted. 



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, be noted, and that the selection of The Recreations as Leeds City Council’s ‘Streets for People’ project, be approved;


(b)  That expenditure of £900,000 to deliver the project, be approved, and that it be noted that the Highways and Transportation service will be the lead service for this delivery;


(c)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) will receive further reports to enact statutory powers and processes in order to deliver the proposals, as detailed within the submitted report.



Estate Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 235 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development presenting a proposed Estate Management Strategy for the period 2021 – 2025, which is underpinned by the Council's three pillar strategies, with the aim of driving greater benefits for the city, its residents and its businesses.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report presenting a proposed Estate Management Strategy for the period 2021 – 2025. The report presented the principles by which the Strategy was underpinned and how it looked to respond to the Council’s financial position and the evolving approaches taken towards ways of working and service delivery, with the aim of driving greater benefits for the city, its residents and its businesses.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received assurance that sufficient provision was in place to enable those residents who did not use digital methods to interact with the Council and its services. In addition, detail was provided on the actions being taken to promote digital inclusion within the community.


The Chief Executive highlighted how the development of the Council’s workforce plan aligned closely with the Estate Management Strategy, and through the ongoing staff consultation which was taking place, the aim for the Council was to ensure that it continued to provide effective services for the people of Leeds, whilst also being able to adapt to new ways of working.


Responding to a Member’s comments, it was suggested that the Member in question liaise with officers within the Asset Management service in order to discuss any proposals they had regarding the review of assets within their own Ward, and also regarding any sites where there may be potential for commercial investment.


Also, responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board noted that there was no intention to introduce a moratorium upon the sale of assets, given the financial position of the Council and the important source of income played by the Council’s Capital Receipts programme.



(a)  That the 2021-2025 Estate Management Strategy, as appended to the submitted report, be approved;


(b)  That it be noted that the Director of City Development intends to develop and maintain an Implementation Plan which will set out the specific asset changes for the coming years, from which maintenance and management plans can be established;


(c)  That it be noted that further reports will be presented to Executive Board in due course regarding specific estate rationalisation proposals, along with the annual Capital Receipt programme update, and any other estate changes which fall outside of approved delegations.


NPS Leeds Ltd. 2022 Joint Venture Review pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which presents proposals regarding the Council’s future relationship with Norfolk Property Services (NPS) Leeds Ltd., a company which provides technical services for a range of construction projects, following the current Joint Venture Company agreement which is due to expire in 2022.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented proposals regarding the Council’s future relationship with Norfolk Property Services (NPS) Leeds Ltd., a company providing technical services for a range of construction projects. The matter was being submitted to the Board for consideration, given that the current Joint Venture Company agreement was due to expire in 2022.


Members welcomed that the proposed 10 year agreement would include 3 break clause points, as opposed to the 2 in the existing contract, in order to provide greater flexibility.


Also, responding to a Member’s enquiry, assurance was provided that should specialist expertise be required for a specific development which was not available from NPS, then the proposed agreement would enable this to be sought externally.



(a)  That an extension of the current agreement between Leeds City Council and Norfolk Property Services until 31st of March 2022, be agreed;


(b)  That the extension of the Joint Venture Company between Leeds City Council and Norfolk Property Services for a further 10 years (with a break clause in years 2, 5 and 7), be agreed;


(c)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development, in order to enable the Director to finalise the contractual terms between Leeds City Council and NPS Leeds Ltd.;


(d)  That it be noted that the implementation and management of the contract with NPS is overseen by the Chief Officer for Asset Management and Regeneration.


Financial Health Monitoring 2021/22 - September (Month 6) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services, which provides an update on the financial health of the Authority in respect of both the General Fund revenue budget and the Housing Revenue Account as at month 6 of the 2021/22 financial year.



The Chief Officer, Financial Services, submitted a report which provided an update on the financial health of the Authority in respect of both the General Fund revenue budget and the Housing Revenue Account as at month 6 of the 2021/22 financial year.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, clarification was provided regarding a policy change which had been confirmed by Government in relation to claims for Empty Rate Relief and the positive impact that this would have on the Council’s budgetary position moving forward.


In response to a Member’s request for an update on the projected overspend in respect of the Waste Management service and on the service’s operational matters, the Board received a brief update regarding collection rates, with Members being advised that it was intended for a report to be submitted to the December 2021 Executive Board.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received details regarding the allocation of Waste Management staff during the period of the year when brown bin collections ceased, with it being noted that for the forthcoming period, that extra capacity would be utilised to manage the excess black bin waste which continued to be generated. 


With regard to the forecasted underspend for energy costs in relation to street lighting, Members were advised that this was due to the fact that the Council was locked into a tariff which currently protected the Authority from increased energy prices in this area, and in addition, it was noted that the progress being made in respect of the LED programme also enabled an element of cost benefit.


Responding to a Member’s question, the Board received further information on the projected staffing underspend within the Highways and Transportation service.


Finally, the Board received an update with regard to the highways gritting service and its preparedness for winter, with it being noted that the depot was currently well stocked.



(a)  That the projected financial position of the Authority at the end of September (Month 6), as detailed within the submitted report, be noted, together with the projected impact of COVID-19 on that position;


(b)  That, as at the end of August 2021, it be noted that for 2021/22 the Authority is forecasting an overspend of £1.234m;


(c)  That it be noted that the position as reported does not reflect the potential effects of any further local or national lockdown arrangements on the financial projections.


(At the conclusion of this item, Cllr Rafique left the meeting room)


Capital Programme 2021/22 – 2025/26: Quarter 2 Update pdf icon PDF 460 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services which sets out the updated Capital Programme for 2021-2026, split between the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account, with a forecast of resources available over that period. A specific update of the 2021/22 programme is also provided.


The Chief Officer, Financial Services submitted a report which presented the Council’s updated Capital Programme for 2021-2026, split between the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA), with a forecast of resources available over that period. The report also provided a specific update in respect of the 2021/22 programme.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received clarification regarding the breakdown of the Capital Programme’s funding sources, as detailed within the submitted report.



(a)  That the following injections into the Capital Programme, as detailed at Appendix A (iii) to the submitted report, be approved:-

-  £805.0k of Green Homes Grant to support a range of measures to increase energy performance and reduce fuel poverty for both private and Council Housing;

-  a £217.4k insurance receipt following storm damage at Benton Park High School; and

-  £32.0k of Environment Agency Grant to continue to progress the design of a flood alleviation scheme at Lin Dyke, Kippax.


(b)  That it be noted that the above resolution to inject funding of £1,054.4k into the Capital Programme will be implemented by the Chief Officer, Financial Services;


(c)  That the latest position on the General Fund and HRA Capital Programme, as at quarter 2 of 2021/22, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(d)  That the additional Capital Receipts Incentive Scheme (CRIS) allocations to Wards and Community Committees for the period April 2021 to September 2021 of £141.6k, be noted;


(e)  That the Learning Places Programme be agreed as the spending priority for investment of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Strategic Fund (financial year 2022/23), given the continued need in particular for secondary school places.


Treasury Management Strategy Update 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 552 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services, which provides a review and update of the Council’s Treasury Management borrowing and investment strategy for 2021/2022.




The Chief Officer, Financial Services, submitted a report presenting a review and update of the Council’s Treasury Management borrowing and investment strategy for 2021/2022.


The Board acknowledged the likely interest rate rise which was anticipated in 2022. With this in mind and in response to a Member’s enquiry, officers undertook to provide the Member with details of how an interest rate increase of 0.75% would affect the Council’s debt repayment levels.


Linked to this, Members also received an update regarding the general approach being taken by the Council towards longer term borrowing moving forward. 


RESOLVED – That the update provided on the Treasury Management borrowing and investment strategy, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted.


Domestic Violence and Abuse Support in Safe Accommodation Strategy pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment which presents the Domestic Violence and Abuse Support in Safe Accommodation Strategy for approval. In doing so, the report outlines the partnership approach which has been undertaken in the development of the strategy and provides details of the new regulatory framework in this area.


Additional documents:


The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report which presented the Domestic Violence and Abuse Support in Safe Accommodation Strategy for the Board’s approval. In doing so, the report outlined the partnership approach which had been undertaken in the development of the strategy and provided details of the new regulatory framework in this area.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with an update on the resource which remained in place to support the local community in Holbeck where the Managed Approach operated prior to its cessation, and also the support which continued to be provided to the vulnerable women involved in sex work in that area. In providing such information, the Member in question was offered a briefing on such matters, if required. Members also discussed the extent to which there was a link between the specifics of the proposed strategy, as detailed within the submitted report and the support being provided to sex workers and the local community in the Holbeck area.


A Member highlighted the importance of ensuring that the proposed strategy looked to improve engagement with those suffering from domestic violence and signpost them to appropriate support. In response, those comments were acknowledged, with it being noted that representations would continue to be made to Government around the current restrictions on funding allocations in this area so as to maximise the support available and build upon the provision that was already in place.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, be noted, and that the Domestic Violence and Abuse Support in Safe Accommodation Strategy, as appended to the report, be approved;


(b)  That the new regulatory context for this strategy, be noted, with it also being noted that as a result, the Local Authority will continue to work with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in order to respond to any amendments and changes to support the implementation of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021;


(c)  That it be noted that the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment is responsible for the implementation of the strategy.


(At the commencement of this item, Cllr Rafique returned to the meeting room)


Safer, Stronger Communities - Leeds Plan (2021-2024) pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment presenting the Safer, Stronger Communities: Leeds Plan (2021-24) which sets out the strategic direction of the Leeds Community Safety Partnership, the Safer Leeds Executive, with a recommendation that the Plan be referred to full Council for the purposes of formal adoption, in line with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.


Additional documents:


The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report presenting the ‘Safer, Stronger Communities: Leeds Plan (2021-24)’ which set out the strategic direction of the Leeds Community Safety Partnership, the Safer Leeds Executive, with a recommendation that, following the associated consultation which had been undertaken, the Plan be referred to full Council for the purposes of formal adoption, in line with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member highlighted the priorities of the strategy and the partnership approach which had been taken to develop it. Also, it was highlighted that the new strategy included a focus upon violence against women and girls and it provided an undertaking that an annual update statement would be produced.


With reference to the previous discussion regarding the former Managed Approach in the preceding agenda item, specific reference was made to the inclusion of sex workers in this proposed strategy, which was welcomed.



(a)  That the ‘Safer, Stronger Communities: Leeds Plan (2021-24)’ as appended to the submitted report, be endorsed, and that agreement be given for it to be referred to full Council with a recommendation that it is formally adopted as Council policy;


(b)  That it be noted that the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment will lead on, and implement such matters.


(The matters referred to within this minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)